Monday October 13th 2019

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Monday October 13th 2019

This is me

Today I had dance and school. Monday. Mondays have to be the worst day ever. First day at my new school. It went GREAT. *sarcastic tone* Everyone gave me horrible looks. People were whispering about me. The worst thing was Lucy from dance goes to this school. She was telling everyone that because I was on Dance Moms I get special treatment. Everyone ignored me. Then I got home and Maddie screamed at me, for not having my dance bag down by the door ready to leave. And of course like always Greg steps in. "Mackenzie, Maddies right. You need to be more organized like your sister." Story of my life. I'm always compared to Maddie for everything. But all through this iw as thinking 'don't worry dance is soon.' The I get to dance and see Lucy talking to some other girls and whispering. It was obvious they were talking about me, but I decided to be strong and keep my head high. Dance has been my escape for as long as I remember, and I want it to stay that way.

Mackenzie xoxo <3


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