chapter I ♛ Malea

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Chapter I  Malea

"Father, but I don't want to get married! I cannot marry a man whom I don't know! And he's  not even a man! He's just a a silly boy from the neighboring kingdom!" I yelled,  wishing my father, King Gervanium of the Kingdom of the Isles, would change his mind. I stared at him with pleading eyes, taking in his tan face, dark hair turning gray, his beard with a white hair for ever dark one, his golden and cerulean King's outfit, and his bare feet.

"Malea, you are a princess, you must marry and that is final" he said as he continued reading a document about some important news or something like that. He was sitting relaxed on his King's chair, probably paying more attention to the document than me whilst my mother sat beside him, in her blue and gold dress. Her hair was let down in its natural waves while her blue eyes concentrated on her basket she was weaving with deft fingers. 

"But Father! He is only a silly boy! And I love it here, on our islands, and I want to stay Father, I am your first daughter! Do you really wish to see me go?" I asked, hoping to pull at some heartstrings.

"Malea, darling," he started, looking at me with his bright blue eyes that I didn't inherit, instead I got my grandmother's plain brown ones, "I love you more than there are stars in the universe, however, it is your duty, as a princess, to marry a prince. And Prince Cadreal of the Kingdom of---"

"But Daddy! Prince Caderal hasn't even met me, how can you expect me to marry a complete and utter stranger?" I pleaded, but it was at that time that my mother decided to interrupt.

"Sweetheart, it is your duty as princess to marry this young man, and your father and I believe he will be a good match for you, the boy is smitten with your looks" said my mother, Queen Aracella, throwing in a playful smile and an arch of her eyebrow.

"But mother! That is just my looks, my poop brown hair and eyes! He must be blind!" I said, insulting myself, which I hardly ever do.

"Malea darling, it is your long, milk-chocolate brown hair that has glistening gold streaks, your entrancing brown eyes, your sun-kissed complexion, your full, pink lips, your big eyes, your--"

"Alright mother, I know I'm an ethereal goddess in your eyes. But that does not change the fact that this silly boy chose me only for my looks, how shallow!" I said, probably sounding like my little sister who's prone to temper-tantrums, Brilley, but I didn't care, I didn't want to get married, I was only 16!

With an exasperated sigh, my father responded.

"Malea Evermore, you shall marry this young man whether you like it or not! And you shall meet him next week at the ball. That those are the final words I have on this, child" said my father, and I knew that that's when I had lost.

"This is completely insane!" I yelled, as I stopped out.

"When will she ever start wearing the dresses the seamstress creates for her?" asks Queen Aracella.

"The same time in which she stops dressing in trousers, sneakers, and t-shirts" replied my father, just as I shut the giant door of the room and stopped last the four guards ho smiled woefully at me. We were decent friends.

I ran up the stairs until I reached the floor of mine and Brilley's room, and only stopped When my older brothers Ferdnand and Braxton got in my way.

"Aw little sis, what's got you upset?" asked Braxton, who's green eyes stared down at me with an actual caring look. Both of them were clad in their fencing uniforms, both of them had golden brown hair and sparkling green and blue eyes, one of them would be King, the other would marry into King, neither of them knew what it was like to be in my position.

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