Chapter 28: Escort

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When I checked with [Aura Eyes], it said that it was a [Gemini Key], but Jim said that it was a mysterious key, that has been passed around his noble family for generations, but no one knew what it opened, or what it was..

While being surprised that Jim was actually a former noble, I thanked him for the key and went out of the restaurant..

Next, we went to my blacksmith friend, Rodrick..

Over these few weeks, I had asked Rodrick to make something out of my [Mithril Ore], a week after, he made a thin, long sword, and gave it to me, it was a beautiful slender, but sturdy sword, capable of taking 10% of my aggregate magic power at most, so I named it [Yin], he was happy about me being pleased of his work, which made me think that he was a good guy, so what I did was, gave him 5 [Mithril Ores] as a sign of our friendship..

He was really thrilled looking at it, and kept asking me, was it fine to take it, so in order to shut him up, I gave him one [Orichalcum Ore], and his eyes nearly popped out, it was really funny to see, but he got even more noisy, so let's omit it..

When we entered, Rodrick wasn't at the counter, but in his workshop, surprisingly had bags under his eyes, leading me to think, that he hasn't slept a wink since I gave him the ores..

I called out to him a couple of times, since he was so focused on his work, and finally got his attention..

After that, I made him breakfast for the first time, which he was reluctant to eat at first, but after taking one bite, he started to cry, me and the duo, laughed at him, seeing a grown man, crying..

He told me all about his creations, such as swords, maces, axes, armor, and shields over breakfast..

The elf duo wasn't interested in it much, but they still listened to Rodrick's rambling like polite children..

When we told him about our trip, he wished us luck and gone home with the leftovers, saying he was going to share them with his family..

Huh, he did have a wife and kids, after all..

Before going to the gate, there was one last person we needed to inform, even though she already knows about it..

Ella, the guild's receptionist, and our close friend..

When we entered the guild, the atmosphere wasn't as hostile and ignorant like the first time I entered here to register..

But now, it was a merry group of adventurers, without an ounce of tension...

I made a few acquaintances here and there, but not to the level that I would go out of my way to visit them..

As we passed by, some adventurers recognized us, and said hello while walking by, and waving their hands..

I guess they finally acknowledged me, even though they still called us, "The Weird White-Haired Kid and His Elf Party"..

But it's fine, they don't mean anything bad by it..

We went up to Ella, and greeted her with some small talk..

Then, I went to the main point about the trip, she reacted slightly strange, like she was worried about it..

She said something was strange about the request this time, saying that, the path to "Capricorn City" was actually, really safe, one of the safest among the country's roadways..

When I listened to her, I thought she had a point, but I didn't speculate that far, so I told her, that maybe I was just an extra precaution against a "what if" factor, while traveling..

My Annoying Aura Follows Me Into Another WorldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz