Chapter 61

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Matt's POV

"Where's Ivy?" I asked Miri, walking into the kitchen.

She was busy getting things ready, ready for tonight.

"Laying down." She said, not turning around. "She wants to be able to stay up late tonight."

I nodded, watching Miri. "That seems like a good idea."

I watched as Miri put down a knife she was holding and I watched as her shoulder's sagged. "Matt, is this really a good idea?"

I walked behind her, slipping my arm's around her waist and kissing her neck softly. "Yeah Miri." I murmured in between kisses. "We'll be gone two months and I'd like to have a little farewell."

She sighed. "I know, but still."

"Look." I murmured, turning her around to face me. "I know you're worried about Bailey. Should I have invited her? Probably not, but she is Ivy's godmother and I would like her to be a part of her life."

She nodded, but she didn't look convinced. "I guess."

"Miri." I said, lightly grabbing her chin and making her look at me. "Bailey has had two months to get used to the idea of you and me, now I'm trying to make peace with her, but I will tell you now, if she start's shit I will kick her out."

"Okay." She murmured and I could tell by the look on her face she doubted me, still after two months Miri doubted some of the things I said.

"Miri." I murmured again. "You are my priority, you and Ivy are my number one's and I will not let anyone come between us." And I wouldn't, ever.

She opened her mouth to reply but I cut her off with my lips, kissing her softly.

"God I'm going to miss you." I groaned and I was, so much.

She smiled. "How will you live without me?"

It was fine for Miri to make a joke about it, but I didn't find it funny. We had just finished recording the album and now we were doing a two month tour, going on the road for two months, and she thought it was amusing. There was nothing amusing about it, I was going to miss her, I was going to miss her a lot.

"Miri." I mumbled, pulling her to my chest. "I'm serious, I will miss you baby, every single minute."

She smiled up at me and I kissed her again.

"I'll miss you." She whispered. "I really will, but it will only be for a few weeks."

I smiled at her, caressing her cheek. "Good." I murmured and it was true thank god, Miri and Ivy were joining me in the third week and that was something I was looking forward too.

Sometimes I knew Miri didn't get it, she didn't get it at all,  but I was so completely in love with her I just couldn't think straight when she wasn't around and honestly I dreaded these first three weeks of this tour, just the thought of not seeing her made me feel sick.

"So is everything organised?" I asked her softly.

She nodded. "Yeah your Mom is bringing over the rest of the food."

"Good." I whispered, kissing her again, I was taking advantage of Ivy being asleep.

"Your Mother is a life saver." She whispered.

I smiled, yeah my Mom was pretty awesome and I was so happy with the way my parents had embraced my relationship with Miri and honestly Bailey was the only person who had a problem with it. Everyone else loved Miri, understandably so, she was a beautiful selfless person and I loved her with all of my heart.

"She is." I murmured smiling at her.

I had my arms around her waist and I decided while Ivy was asleep I'd get a little time in with Miri, so I picked her up, throwing her over my shoulder.

"Oh god." She screeched. "What are you doing?"

"What do you think." I chuckled slapping her ass. "But be quiet, don't wake Ivy."

"Put me down." She hissed as I carried her up the hall. "Now, I have things to do."

"The only thing you have to do." I told her as I threw her on the bed. "Is love your man."

She laughed up at me and I climb on the bed, laying on her and smiling when she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

"Is that right?" She murmured but I didn't reply, I just kissed her, hard.

We were laying there, kissing and I was enjoying every second of it, I always enjoyed every minute I spent with Miri.

"What are you doing?" I murmured against her lips as I felt her hand slid up my back, dragging my shirt with it.

"Loving my man." She murmured.

I groaned, kissing her again. God she drove me insane.

I shivered, feeling her fingers on my skin and I slid my hand down her leg, slowly sliding it up, pushing her dress up as I went.

"What are you doing?"

"Fuck." I groaned.

"You forgot to lock the door." Miri giggled and I kissed her again.

"Daddy, I asked what you are doing?" Ivy said, walking over to the side of the bed and looking at us.

"Cuddling." I said looking at her.

"Can I cuddle?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips.

I rolled my eye's. I was forever being cock blocked by my daughter.

"No you can not." I told her. "I'm spending time with Miri."

"Get off her Daddy." She snapped. "I want to cuddle too."

Miri giggled and I groaned, rolling off her and glaring at Ivy, watching her climb onto the bed, laying next to Miri.

"You're so greedy Daddy." Ivy snapped, peering over at me. "You never share."

"All I ever do is share." I mumbled.

"Poor baby." Miri whispered, smiling at me.

"Shut it." I mumbled, ignoring Ivy and kissing her.

I kept kissing her, listening to Ivy complain, but I didn't care I just wanted to spend time with Miri.

"Daddy." Ivy groaned, putting her hand on my face and pushing me away. "Please stop."

"Fine." I muttered, closing my eye's.

"Please don't." Miri whispered.

"What time is everyone coming?" Ivy asked, changing the conversation to suit herself.

I opened my eye's, looking into Miri's eye's, ignoring Ivy. "I love you Miri." I whispered, touching her cheek.

She smiled, brushing her lips across mine. "I love you." She whispered.

"CAN YOU PLEASE STOP IT." Ivy yelled and I rolled my eye's at Miri.

"Fine." I said, looking over at Ivy.

"Now answer the question." She snapped.

I smiled, looking at the two people I loved most in the world. How did I get so lucky?

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