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Chapter 1              Annie and John's POV

  "John, John! Come Quick!" Annie yelled from across the house.

     "What is it , Annie?"

     "We got a letter!" Annie replied as if it were the best news of her life.

     "Okay, and..." John said in a quite puzzled tone.

     "It's from Ryan!" Annie trembeled

John paused for a moment, then moved out of deep thought.

     "How do you know?" John asked

     " It has Ryan's handwriting on it!'

John's face dropped and the color drained from his face. Ryan is John's youngest brother who went missing four years ago. Police searched all they could, but a lack of evidence caused the case to go cold.

     "John?" Annie muttered


     " The letter doesn't have a stamp. He must've hand-delivered it."

John grabbed the letter from Annie's hand . He opened it and was astonished by the contents.

Dear Annie and John,

     I am sorry i haven't been able to contact you. I will be watched when i deliver this. I have specific orders. Only 1 letter. This will be my only contact. He said if i demanded more than that he wouldn't only kill me, He will make you suffer. There is so much you don't know about this situation. I've made some mistakes. He said I am now paying for them. I only ask one thing of you. Don't try to find me. It won't end good.      From: Ryan

     " Is this a joke?" John asked "My brother hasn't been heard from in 4 years and suddenly this letter shows up at my door."

John is the kind of man who chooses not to accept the reality on front of him.

     "John we better call the police! This could be enough to re-open the case!"

     "Let's hurry!' John said

     John did not expect his brother to be alive after all this time. While John was on the phone trying to talk to a 911 operator, Annie's nerves built up. Ryan has said not to go looking for him. Well, John was the type of person who would go looking for him anyway. Who would do this?

     A few minutes later, the police arrived. They searched the property for clues. They found a track of bootpronts. Size 8 mens. That's what size Ryan wore. The last several bootprints were smeared and scattered, as if ryan were trying to fight. Then on the nearby road there were tire tracks going away from the house.

Ryan's POV

     "Hello? Is anybody there?" asked ryan as he tries to catch his breath from fighting. He was now locked in a small room in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. Ryan heard no response. He has just tried to fight whoever did this to him. He hasn't ate in days. He just wanted to go hime and tell his brother everything was ok and it was all over. Sadly, he couldn't even do that. His parents died a year or so before he was abducted. So he couldn't even try to write his parents, just like he did his brother. "Hello?" he asked again. Still no answer. Just the cold, the quiet, and the still.

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