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A/N: Hello loves! This is just a Dramione fic I decided to begin for all my fellow Draco and Hermione fanatics. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it!

"My dad would be ecstatic if he could take this class," Ron grumbled, pushing his fiery locks out of his eyes. "You should have seen him when I told him I was taking it. Blimey, I think that was the first time I was his favourite son." He held the door open for Hermione, Harry, Seamus, and Neville. "'Course, he doesn't need to know it's mandatory."

All the sixth-years in the entire school had been rather shocked when they had received their schedule for this year. Muggle Studies had been made a mandatory course – and all the houses were mixed. Hermione sat at a round table with Harry, Ron, Seamus, Dean, Neville, and Luna. Hermione combed her fingers through her untameable hair and sighed. She wasn't exactly looking forwards to this course – she grew up a Muggle. What was there that she could possibly learn that she didn't already know?
Harry felt the same way. "This is pointless," he complained to the other students at his table, as the remaining sixth-years in the class trailed in. "I bet you half of the students in here are Muggle-borns, and most are definitely half-bloods."
Ron flushed red, the tips of his ears turning the same shade as his hair. Hermione felt a tad of guilt for him, knowing he probably felt bad considering he was one of the few pure-bloods in the room.
Hermione glanced quickly around the room. Ron was a pure-blood, so was Neville. Lavender Brown, a Gryffindor as well as a pure-blood, was sitting across the room. She only noticed few more.

That is, until Draco Malfoy walked in the room.

More like swaggered, she meant. His white-blond hair was slicked back, giving everyone full access to his stormy grey eyes, scanning the room with barely concealed hostility. He adjusted his green and silver striped tie vainly before he took a seat at the last empty table, which happened to be immediately to Hermione's left. Following Malfoy was his entourage of Slytherins: Pansy Parkinson, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass, and Theodore Nott. Hermione rolled her eyes when Pansy immediately threw herself at Malfoy as she slid into the seat next to him, her skirt riding up purposefully. She watched as Daphne fluttered her eyelashes flirtatiously at Blaise, but his gaze was focused on the undone button on Parvati Patil's white blouse. She smirked, barely focusing on the conversation being held at her table.
"Granger, quit staring." Malfoy snapped. "It's irritating."
"So are you." She said back, without thinking of how childish her comeback was. Normally she's much wittier and ruder to him. He scoffed.

"That all you got, Granger?" He taunted with a deriding grin, tossing his arm over Pansy's shoulder. "Hey, at least this is a class you'll finally deserve the perfect marks you'll get. A class about Mudbloods, for the Mudblood."

Hermione seethed with rage and annoyance, the satisfied smirk on her enemy's face simply fuelling her anger.
"Hey, watch it, Ferret!" Ron shouted.

"Don't tell me what to do, Weasel." Malfoy sneered back, sounding positively menacing.
"Too bad there's not a class about pure-bloods, Malfoy," Hermione responded, her voice sickly sweet. "It's probably because there's not a soul alive who would want to learn about them." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ron squirm uncomfortably - since he was also a pure-blood - but the look of Malfoy's face stopped her from feeling guilty. 

Malfoy's eyes narrowed, and he threw a venomous look her way. "Granger, you might think you're the best of the best, but give me one chance to duel you and we'll see who the real winner is."

Professor Burbage then walked in, silencing Malfoy's threats and preventing Hermione from angrily retorting back.

"Good morning, class!" Professor Burbage declared, standing behind the large mahogany desk at the front of the class.

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