Chapter 12: Caught in the middle

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Peeta's POV

Cashmere and Finnick.

They are literally the last people I ever thought I would see in 12, except for perhaps President Snow. But here they are, at my door. I stare at them, perplexed. "What are you two doing here?" is all I can say, and Cashmere flashes me her Capitol smile. I've seen it too many times to be fooled by it.

"Surprised, are you?" She looks at Ivy, still situated on my hip. Ivy studies the blond woman in front of her. I know that look. Ivy's trying to figure out whether she likes this new person or not. "We decided it was time to pay the outlying districts a little visit." When has Cashmere, of all people, ever been interested in the outlying districts? Not to mention Finnick.

Cashmere leans in to give me a kiss on the cheek, and Ivy takes the opportunity to grab a hold of Cashmere's necklace. It's white gold with an assortment of gems or glass or... something like that. Ivy holds the necklace in her chubby little hands, and won't let go of it. "You're a precious little thing, aren't you?" I'm surprised to see the change in Cashmere's smile. Her voice is low and soft. She has gone from Capitol to someone else entirely in a matter of seconds. I've known Cashmere for many years, but I've never seen her like this before. She reaches behind her neck and unclasps the necklace. She lets Ivy remove it from her neck.

"Um, I'm not sure if that's safe," I tell Cashmere, carefully prying Ivy's little fists open to take the necklace back from her. Katniss will kill me if she comes home and finds Ivy playing with something she could potentially choke on. Cashmere looks disappointed.


I hand the necklace back to her while trying to comfort Ivy, who of course is now crying because I took something shiny from her. "Perhaps it's better if you put it in your pocket so she can't see it?" I suggest.

"Peeta, you've become quite the family guy," Finnick says. He gives Ivy his best Finnick Odair, charmer extraordinaire smile, and to my amazement, he holds her attention. Ivy stops crying, and she hides her face against my chest as she smiles shyly back at him.

Cashmere leaves her no doubt very expensive suitcase in the hall and walks into the living room. She looks around curiously. "So they built the same houses in the Victors' Village in 12, too," she says. "Interesting. Well, it's perfect, I guess. Makes us feel right at home."

I blink, confused. "Haymitch didn't tell you we were coming?" she asks. I shake my head. Cashmere raises an eyebrow. "...Or that we're staying at your place?"

Fuck. Thank you very much, Haymitch, for neglecting to tell me that minor detail. I suppose the stunned look on my face is answer enough.

Cashmere laughs. "Clearly he didn't. Well, Finn and I decided to go on a little holiday, and where else could we go but 12?"

They could go pretty much anywhere except the smallest, dirtiest and poorest district in Panem.

"Surely you have as many spare bedrooms in your fancy Capitol-built house as Finnick and I have in ours."

Finnick has already settled down on the couch, making himself right at home. One of Arrow's books is on the table. Finnick opens it and reads the first page. It's a very old one about a striped fish whose son is kidnapped and held prisoner, and so he goes looking for him. I've read it to Arrow several times. It's a cute story, even though it's unrealistic. I've never seen fish that look like that before, and even Finnick, who has had far more exposure to ocean fauna than I have, shakes his head in disbelief. "This is ridiculous," he comments. Then he looks up at me with a devilish grin. "I like 12 already." He turns to the next page. "Of course, we haven't seen much yet. The train station, the main street. An interesting man named Cray came to meet us at the station. I guess the rumors of our arrival travel fast. He said he was the Head Peacekeeper in 12?" Finnick's sea green eyes have taken on a more stormy color. I've seen that look before. Finnick is good at seeing right through people. "Keep that man close, Peeta." I know. Cray has been ogling Katniss for so long.

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