I don't care for people, but you are one of the few who I have accepted into my world and I want to you to stay there forever.

I love you.


You had a wide smile across your face as you read the last few paragraphs. You looked down at Emily. She looked up at you and flicked her tongue. You smiled brightly at her.

"Thank you for giving this to me."

You set Emily down on the floor and took off to find Snake.

You giggled and blushed as you thought about the letter while you ran through halls. You clutched the letter close to your chest.

I have to find Snake!


You ran around the entire mansion searching for Snake. You had been through every room and asked everyone if they had seen him, but you were having no luck.

You weren't paying attention when you suddenly bumped into someone. You looked up to Sebastian smiling down at you.

"Hello (y/n)." He greeted.

"Hello Mr. Sebastian!" You smiled.

"You look happy?"

"Oh I am!" You laughed. "Have you seen Snake."

"Last time I saw him he was in the yard."

I haven't checked there yet!

"Thank you, Mr. Sebastian!"

You waved to him and took off toward the garden.


You ran out into the yard and looked around.

You looked to your right and there he was, leaning up against a tree in the shade.

You blushed at the sight of him. To think that the shy Snake could have written that letter. You knew he must have had a lot of courage to write it. You were very proud of him.

Just like Snake, you gathered all the courage you had and took off towards him.


Snake poked his head and looked around. He looked over his shoulder to see you running towards him, not even caring that your dress was getting dirty.

Snake had no time to react because you had jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. You still had some courage.

"(Y/n), wha-"

You cut Snake off by planting your lips on his. Snake's eyes grew wide, but closed after realization. He nervously kissed back.

You could tell Snake was a nervous kisser. He didn't really know what he was doing or what to do exactly, but it was okay, you thought it made him cuter than he already was.

You brought your hands up and cupped his cheeks, running your thumbs over the patches of scales on his cheeks. While Snake nervously put his arms around you and pulled you closer.

You slowly disconnected your lips from his and smiled. You were blushing, but it wasn't as bad as Snake's completely flushed face.

"I-I...I- what?...why did you?" Snake stuttered, not being able to say full sentences at the moment.

You smiled and held up a piece of paper. "Emily gave this to me."

Snake's face even redder, if that's even possible.

He averted his eyes from your gaze. "Y-You...You weren't supposed to see that."

"That's too bad, I thought it was really sweet." You told him.

Both you and Snake heard a hissing at your feet. You both looked down to Emily.

You looked at Snake. "What's she saying?"

Snake took a deep breath. "I told you she would say that! S-Says Emily."

You giggled and kissed the patch of scales on Snake's left cheek. "Well, I just wanted to tell you I love you too, Snake."

Snake's eyes widened. "R-Really?!"

You laughed and nodded. "Yeah!"

Snake laughed and went in for another kiss, but was kinda hesitant. He looked into your eyes for permission.

You rolled your eyes. "You're so shy, Snake."

You kissed him.

"But that's one of the things I love about you."


Ciel and Sebastian watched as you and Snake kissed from Ciel's office window.

Ciel watched with a blank face, while Sebastian smiled.

Sebastian turned around and began to pour Ciel some tea. "That could be you and Lady Elizabeth some day, My Lord."

Ciel tsked. "Shut up."

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