"I promise I'm not going to tell anybody," I reassured him.

"I know. We wouldn't be here if I didn't fully trust you," his eyes dropped down from mine to the couch. "My mother passed away."

"Oh, I'm really sorry," I said in the most sympathetic tone possible.

"Me too. She was murdered, actually," he said quietly. "By the man whose status is my father."

I gasped very quietly and slowly put my hand over my mouth. I really didn't have anything to say about that, so he continued. "When I was twelve years old, my father murder my mother in front of me and my older sister. Thankfully my little brother wasn't at home then. My father- He... picked up a knife and-" He stopped and closed his eyes. I could see that he was more angry than sad.

"He was never a good man. He had mood swings, and he was very unfaithful to my mom. But my mom stood by him, for the sake of her children. One night he was extremely drunk. More than he usually was, if that's even possible. He just did it. Plunged the knife straight through her," he didn't look up. Not even once.

"I don't understand how someone could do that to another person. His wife... Your father, where is he now?" I asked, looking straight at his face even though he wasn't looking back at me.

"He's in prison now. Here in Madrid. I don't even know whether or not he's still alive. Maybe he's already dead. Beaten up by other prisoners. I've never visited him, not even once," he shook his head and pursed his lips.

"I understand now. I get why you're like this. This is just... messy. But none of this is your fault, and you have to be far from the man that your father was. You have to prove to yourself that you are nothing like him," I reassured him again until he finally looked up to meet my eyes.

"I know, which is why I'm trying so hard to change. But you don't understand. That's not even the full story," he looked down again. "I dated this girl once. Her name is Alicia. We dated for three years. I even opened up to her about my past. But then I found out that she had been cheating on me with my best friend for a year. A whole year!" He started to raise his voice. "I loved her, until I didn't anymore. The love I had for her turned to extreme hate in just a matter of seconds. So I broke up with her one and a half year ago."

"That's just terrible. And you've been like this ever since then?" I asked again.

"I trusted her and she broke my trust. She was also brave enough to do it with my best friend. She reminded me too much of my parents," he shook his head again, and we were both silent for a few moments. I really didn't know how to respond to all that.

"Well, she's a bitch. And an idiot. I don't know how she could've done that to you. I'm also really sorry about your parents. I don't know what to say, it's just terrible. You don't have to be sad anymore though, because you can start a brand new life with brand new people here," then it was my turn to look down. "I know all about that. You're not the only one with a bad past, you know? Except mine's definitely less terrible than yours. But I started over, and I can't be happier than I am now," I smiled and he finally looked up again.

"Do you want to talk about that?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

"No, not now. It's not important," I said, waving him off, then we were both quiet, and we just kept staring at each other.

I couldn't stray my eyes off of his. Those blue orbs carried me away in a wave that I couldn't escape. When I remembered how to breathe again, the tips of our noses were already touching, and we both drooped our eyes shut very slowly.

He then placed his lips on mine, and I lurked my hands around his neck. His left hand cupped my cheek and his right arm was placed around my waist. His lips were soft, and I didn't even know how we could move perfectly in sync. We just did.

I knew he was very miserable, especially after he told me the many terrible reasons behind his misery. He was truly a sad person.

But I intended on changing that.

a/n: sorry i haven't been updating much lately:( i've been so busy with writing new drafts for this  book and my other books and i've also been super busy with school

i'll try to update every 3/4 days now(:

ice breaker » a. griezmannWhere stories live. Discover now