skin type

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Dry skin -if your skin type is such that it gets hydrated easily and lacks the essential oils that keeps the skin soft and soothing. If it has a few breakouts then you may call it a dry skin. Apply multiple moisturizers right after taking bath as it hydrates oil from your skin. Thus, it is important to keep the skin moist so that it can compensate for the dryness right away.
Oily skin - oily skin have lot of shine to it. right after cleaning the porse gets widened and from there the skin gets prominent. At that time, skin gets much susceptible to black heads, white heads, dust and pimples compared to other skin type and it becomes coarser in texture. Oily skin type tends to attract a lot of dirt compared to other skin types. For such skin types, face needs to be washed as many times possible with a gentle non-foaming cleanser and warm water. Also you can use a non-alcoholic hydrating toner which helps in removing added deposit from the skin. What helps through out the day is oil blotting which can keep the shine under control.

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