Entry Two

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Dear diary
The firemen crashed my birthday party again. They floated into my living room in a tiny boat. It was a beautiful boat splashed with bright colors and peace signs. It made me wonder if there were colors that I couldn't see, and what would they look like. If I shed my skin would I be more capable of seeing these colors? Either way the firemen were not invited because they did not pay the entry fee: a yellow cow.
Last week I was on my way to saunter with the elderly rabbits and I tripped over a rather disgruntled porcupine. He promptly bit his thumb at me before carrying on his wobbly way. I missed him after that, his thorns had pricked my heart like none other.
Its nearly dawn now and the stars are turning black and fading away in the wee hour. It is obviously time for tea and carrots.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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