[47] You took my heart, could I please have it back?

Start from the beginning

"She'll be okay, Alex," I mumbled, kissing his cheek and then his lips gently. He made a noise which sounded a bit like a cross between a whimper and a sound of a wounded animal, before burying his face in my shoulder again. I hugged him, staring mournfully at James who stared just as mournfully back.

I wasn't entirely sure how long we sat there for. It could have been one hour, it could have been three. All I was aware of was worry for the woman that had help change my life, and the pained boy in my arms who I was trying desperately to comfort, because it was also causing me pain to see him like this.

But then finally, finally, a man came out of the theatre, looking weary. He came into the waiting room and looked around.

"Susan Collins' family?"

Everyone looked up in unison and the nurse ran a hand through his hair.

"She's doing okay...for now. She's in an unstable position and might go into a coma at any point, but we're all crossing our fingers," he said gravely.

I felt Alex tense up in my arms and as the nurse walked away, he bit his lip and pressed his face in my shoulder again. My gaze met that of James as he sighed, looking as though he were about to cry. I frowned; the only time I had seen James cry was when I rejected his apology after I found out about why he had been such a jerk. And it had broken my heart.

This time...this time, it felt different. It no longer broke my heart to see his eyes water a little, although it did pain me a bit and I wished he was happy. But it didn't cause me great pain, it didn't make me want to run to him and give him a huge hug.

Not entirely sure what this meant, I looked away from him and focused on Alex who wasn't crying, but he was still hiding his face. I stroked his hair as we all sat in silence, staring into space, everyone silently hoping that Sue would be okay.

Mr Black finally suggested in a heavy tone that we go home and have some decent cups of tea, to which everyone agreed. Dad offered for Alex and Sarah to stay round ours while Sue was still in hospital, and to my relief Alex accepted.

Alex lifted up his little sister and she snuggled up to him, silent tears pouring down her face. I wiped them away, lifting her chin with a small smile.

"She'll be alright, Sarah," I reassured her as I slipped my arm around Alex's waist as we began to walk out.

Dad opened the car and we all entered in silence, Sarah on Alex's lap with me on the other side of the back seat. Dad began to drive, looking mournful. It wasn't long before we were home, and Alex took Sarah to the guest room because she was asleep. While they were upstairs, I gave my dad a hug.

"I hope she's okay," I whispered into his shoulder, and he nodded silently. We broke apart as Alex returned, running a hand through his golden brown hair. His blue eyes were sorrow filled, mirroring his beautiful face. I pulled him into a hug and he rested his chin on my head. I inhaled his scent, wishing I could magically heal Sue.

I could feel him shaking and gently led him into the living room, onto the sofa, where I had first met him properly for the first time, when his father died.

"Alex," I whispered, kissing his cheek gently. He didn't reply and I didn't say anymore.

"Play me a song," he startled me and I blinked in confusion. His gaze was on the guitar that was still leaning against the sofa, where I had left it before we went to London.

I stood up and picked it up, trying to think of a song to play, and finally I thought of one. Still Fighting It, by Ben Folds. I often sang that song through my years of secondary school when I had no one, I had to convince myself that everything was going to be okay, and music was the only way I knew how.

You took my heart, could I please have it back?Where stories live. Discover now