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"Explain what?" Talia asked, trying to sound intimidating, but with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

"Look, I know everything about right now, oh and um, I'm from the future," I said.

Wow, great impression Lola, I think, they totally believe you; but remind me how you are supposed to interact with people from the past? Especially if you know their future?

"The future? Really? Cool! Do you know us in the future or anything like that?" Aurianna asked.

"Well, yes, and I do know you and what happens to you all," I replied, "but shouldn't you go follow Iris? And mind if I tag along?"

"Are you sure we can trust you?" Talia said.

"Please, in the future, I saw your Shanila pictures because you trusted me not to make fun of you, you guys and my mom are best friends, Aunt Talia. I call you and Aunt Aurianna that, I'm Lola by the way, Lola of Ephedia, but more about me later, Aun-Praxina and Meohisto are going after Mo-Iris," I said quickly.

"My Shanila pictures?! O-ok. Talia, Princess of Xeris!" she shouted and transformed.

"Aurianna, Princess of Volta!" Aurianna shouted and transformed.

"That looks fun! Lola, Princess of Ephedia!" I said.

"Cool!" I said and marveled my red dress. My hair has gotten about twice to three times as long as it originally was and was bright red. Allyona clapped.

"Who is this adorableness? It looks just like Amaru!" Aurianna said, picking up Allyona and hugging her.

"That's one of Amaru's future kids, I call her Allyona," I smiled.

"Cool!" Aurianna said.

"Let's get going," Talia interrupted, "I'm betting Praxina and Mephisto will try to find her."

Amaru transformed, and Aurianna and Talia climbed on.

"Ally, you never said you could do that!" I glared at my pet.

She stuck out her tongue and transformed into a Pegasus. I sighed and climbed on.

"Well, what are you looking at?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Talia and Aurianna resized what they were doing and quickly flew away.

Rolling my eyes, I took Allyona's reins and made her fly. We zoomed out of the hole Iris had made in the roof and began to soar above Sunny Bay next to Talia, Aurianna and Amaru.

"Keep a look out for Iris," Talia said.

Aurianna and I nodded, and began to scan the emptying streets. The concrete sidewalks seemed practically empty, which was strange due to how many people I saw walking around earlier.

It looked and sounded eerily silent, except for the flapping of Pegasus wings. It was kind of peaceful in a way.

Of course the moment was ruined by that random car that flew up in the air and crashed down.

"There!" Aurianna pointed, as Talia and I steered our transport down to the spot where that car crash landed.

We arrived and were flapping above the alleyway Iris was cornered in by Praxina and Mephisto. I had forgotten they were evil at this time...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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