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(Third Person)

Rin was excited. He would soon begin training as an Exorcist! He was walking and began thinking about defeating Satan. Yet he couldn't get a certain god and Regalia out of his mind. Who were they? Where did they come from? Then he was almost hit by a pink limousine. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" Out stepped Mephisto. "Mephisto?!" Rin cried in surprise. "Rin, keep it down!" Yukio hissed. "Yukio?" Rin asked. One minute Rin was outside, the next he was riding in a pink limo.

*time skip cause I'm lazy*

Rin stared out the window and his school and new home. "Wow!" "Welcome to True Cross Academy." Yukio said. "This place is so big!" He began looking around and he found a white dog. It barked and ran off. Rin chased after it. It jumped onto a pedestal and changed into Mephisto. He explained the normal school and the cram school. "You will be attending both. "Okay, and where is the cram school?" "Over there," Mephisto pointed to a separate and isolated building.

*another time skip* (Edit: Jesus I was lazy last year.)

"Yukio?! You're a teacher here?!" Rin asked. Yukio ignored Rin's question and continued with the lesson. "Today, we have two new students here at the cram school." Yukio announced as he motioned the students forward. They walked in to be none other than Yato and Yukine. Rin stared in disbelief at the two. "Make sure you make then feel welcome." Yukio told everyone. "The two walked forward and sat at the desk to the right of Rin. The whole lesson Rin was asleep, Yato was (suprisingly) taking notes, and Yukine sat there looking bored as hell. Yukio had called Rin out multiple times throughout the whole lesson. When the bell finally rang, Yato stood and stretched. "I thought that would never end." He complained. "Yeah," Yukine agreed. "Never thought I'd see you two here of all places." Rin asked, walking up to them. "Oh, you again!" Yato laughed. "What are you doing here?" Rin asked. "We figured we needed proper training to learn to fight demons." Yato said. "We never got to have a proper introduction." Yato said. "I'm Yato." "And I'm Yukine." "Rin Okumura, nice to meet you!" Rin said happily. Yato smiled "It's good to meet someone else who's not of this world." Rin was confused. "Yato are we sure we can trust him? We just met him." Yukine said warily. "It's fine," Yato said. "What do you mean?" "See, we're not human. Well, Yukine is technically a human. I'm a god and Yukine is a Regalia, or a human spirit that has no memory of their past life and can turn into a weapon." Yato explained. "That's pretty cool! Beats being a demon." Rin said excitedly. "The teacher, he's your brother right? Doesn't that make him a demon too?" "No, Yukio is the human brother." "We should go to the dorms." "I need to go to the dorms too! I'll go with you." Rin suggested. "Sounds good to me!" Yukine said happily. The three continued to walk to the dorms. "I guess we have the dorm to ourselves, don't we?" "I'm okay about that. This idiot talks in his sleep." Yukine says, jabbing a finger at Yato. "About what?" "Being famous as a god and thousands of people worshipping him." "Oh." They reached the dorms and the three walked in. Yato walked in one direction and Rin and Yukine  walked in the opposite direction. "Yukine, what is it like to be dead?" Rin asked. "It's like being alive but the god that named you can read your thoughts." "That sucks." Yukine laughs. "Yeah, but being with Yato isn't that bad when you get to know him." "Well see about that." "No, really. I used to hate him. Now, he's not that bad." The two continued talking for hours on end; until Yukio hit Rin upside the head with a textbook and knocked him out. (10/10)

*a few days later*

Yukio was teaching about demons and Phantoms, then he said, "We will have a training camp in the dorm room." "What?!" Rin, Yato, and Yukine shouted in disbelief. "Do you have a problem with that?" Yukio said raising a book slightly. Rin flinched, Yukine began to back up, and Yato's expression said "COME AT ME BRO" "No sir." The three muttered. "Good,"

*time skip to the scene when demons attack*

Everyone was talking to each other. Demons crawled into the room. Rin and Bon started arguing. Fight. A soft voice whispered. Fight, Fight to the death. "Now look what you've done! You've conjured Phantoms!" Yato shouted, frustrated. "Can we defeat them?" Shima asked. "No. They are manifestations of negative energy." Yukine said. "We're dead!" Shiemi screamed in fear. "Yukine and I will lead them away from you. You can take care of the demons." Yato said. "Be careful." Izumo said. "Don't die." Rin said. "It's okay, we know how to deal with Phantoms." Yukine whispered to Rin. With that, Yato and Yukine ran of with the Phantoms close behind. Rin led one of the demons away from the other students and into another room. He easily killed it and it's conjurer escaped.


"You who would desecrate this land of the rising sun! With my advent I, the Yato-god, lay waste with the Sekki; and expel thy vast defilement!" Yato chanted. He slashed the twin blades through the Phantoms and yelled "REND!" The Phantoms disappeared and Yato said "Good job, Yukine" Yukine reverted back and said, "They were weaker than normal Phantoms, do you think they were summoned?" "No, something weakened them." Yato said. That's when Mephisto popped out of the ceiling and Exorcists walked out of closets and trapdoors. "This was a test?!" Rin shouted. "And you all passed!" Mephisto said. "You have been promoted from Page to Esquires!" Rin was (somewhat) happy, Yukine was expressionless, and Yato was looking suspiciously at Mephisto. The trio were all one step closer to being an Exorcist, even if that meant putting up with Yukio and his weapon of choice (a hardcover 900 page Exorcism textbook)

A.N: Hello everyone! Media is a picture I drew (yes I actually drew it) of Yato in True Cross Academy's uniform. I'm just going to update this whenever I can along with a few others because in my first book, I have 3 or 4 chapters written out and each are roughly 800 words or above.

Question of the day: How the hell does tagging work?

Story time!

I feel so bad. Yesterday one of my friends was sad because the girl he liked was dating his best friend. Okay instead of using pronouns I'm using this. (Friend= Yato, Girl he likes= Hiyori, Best friend= Trash Dad) Yato and I don't approve of this relationship, and we talked about it for like, two minutes. Then he told me three words I thought I would never hear in my life: Wanna go out? I dropped my phone. I didn't know what to say. I legitimately have no romantic feelings for anyone. I even told him that before. Yato said he really liked me and asked me out. I told him "I'm sorry," I couldn't bring myself to say anything else. We're still friends though. (#friendzoned)

Welp, that's all folks! Vote and comment! Thanks for reading!

Unexpected Students (Noragami/ Blue Exorcist crossover) [DISCONTINUED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt