Ch.1: Discovery

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(Third Person)

"HELP!!! SOMEONE!!! ANYONE HELP ME!!" Rin screamed as he tried to climb out of the Gehenna Gate. Whenever he struggled, it only made him sink faster. Rin glanced at Shiro, who wasn't moving. He screamed for help again. He couldn't draw the Kurikara, for if he did, his demon powers would be unleased. He wanted to get out of the Gate, but he didn't know how. He tried again to climb out, but only sank more.

*Meanwhile outside*

"What the hell are these things?!" Yukine shouted at Yato. "Demons, close relatives to Phantoms." Yato replied. "Why haven't I seen them before?" "That, I don't know," Yato and Yukine were fighting demons that kept rushing toward a monastery. "Why are they going towards a monastery?" "Something must be drawing them to it; something powerful." That's when they heard someone inside the monastery yell, "HELP ME!!" "Yato, there's someone inside!" Yukine yelled. "Yeah, let's go." The two ran forward, but were held back by an unknown force. "What the hell?!" Yukine hissed in frustration. "Chalk circles. Used to hold off supernatural spirits." Yato said grimly. "We have to help him!" Yukine protested. "I know, but the only way we can get in is if we break the circle; but if we do that demons will get in." "Yato, the moment you break the circle, call my name and help whoever is in there. I'll hold off the demons." Yukine told him. "Are you ready, Yukine?" "Yeah," Yato slashed the twin blades through the air before calling "Revert Yukine!" Yukine appeared and drew a Borderline to keep the demons at bay. Yato ran into the monastery and gasped. There was a weird gate and in it was a teenager and an older man who wasn't moving. Yato circled the gate. "What is this?" "It's a Gateway to Hell." The teenager responded. Yato noticed the Kurikara. "Hey kid, you have a sword, use it!" "If I do, my powers will be unleashed!" "That's the least of your problems." Yato said pointing outside. "There is a flood of demons out there and the only thing keeping them out is my friend." "Yato! The Border... it won't hold much longer!" Yukine called. "Draw the sword, or we're going to die." Yato said walking outside. "Sekki," He called and began helping Yukine hold back the demons. Rin weighed his choices. Draw the Kurikara, or he, Fujimoto and his saviors will die. "Hey kid, now would be a good time to draw the sword!" Yato yelled. He chose the first option. He gripped the hilt of Kurikara, and drew it. Blue flames exploded around him as the sword was drawn. Rin struck the Gehenna Gate as hard as he could. It slowly dissolved and the demons retreated. "The son of Satan." Yato breathed and he knelt. Rin sheathed the Kurikara and looked around him. Yato was kneeling with Yukine (still in weapon form) beside him, and Fujimoto was dead. Tears filled Rin's eyes and began to fall. Yukio ran in to see Rin crying. "Rin," Yukio said softly.

*time skip*

Rin stood in front of Fujimoto's grave. Yato and Yukine beside Rin. Even of they didn't know Fujimoto, they came to pay respects since they saved his son. "Hey, I'm sorry. About your father." Yato said. "It can't be helped." Rin muttered. He looked at the phone Fujimoto gave him. Rin dialed the one number on it and put it to his ear. A odd looking man appeared in front of him. Rin looked around. Yato and Yukine had disappeared and Rin was surrounded by Exorcists. The man, named Mephisto, explained Rin's situation and his choices. "Make me one of you!" He shouted. Mephisto was shocked. "Make me an Exorcist so I can kick Satan's ass!" Mephisto was speechless. "Okay, you'll start Monday." Mephisto said. Meanwhile, Yato and Yukine were watching behind a tree. "The son of Satan is going to fight his own kind?" Yukine spoke. "I guess. Well, we should go." Yato sighed. "Okay." They teleported away.

A.N: Hello everyone and welcome to what I believe is the only Noragami/Blue Exorcist crossover! As I said in the description, this slightly follows the anime so spoilers ahead.

Question of the week: If I make a Depressed Yato x Dead Yukine would you read it? (By dead I mean actually Yukine was killed again.)

Vote and comment what you think about the question. Thanks for reading!

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