Part 13: Merry Christmas

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Dipper's POV: It was finally Christmas, and I honestly couldn't wait to see how Bill would act. Would he get drunk with Grunkle Stan, or would he act normal? Bill is a pretty questionable guy, sometimes, so you never know.

I awoke to the sound of Bill ringing a little Christmas Bell above my head. "Wake up, Pinetree! It's Christmas!" He said, happily.

"Five more mins...." I mumbled and turned over. I did not like being woken up by people, especially Bill.

"Nope! You're getting up now, whether you like it or not." Bill stated, and dragged the comforters off of me. Cold air swirled around my body.

"Nooo..." I whined, as Bill dragged me onto the floor along with the blankets.

"Come on, Pinetree. Don't you want to know what I got you?" Bill asked.

"Yes, but not while I'm half asleep." I yawned. "Ill be downstairs in a minute." I said.

"You better be." Bill said, and walked downstairs. I sighed, and leaned against the side of my bed. I glanced at my alarm clock. 6:30??? I thought. I doubt even Mabel is up yet!

I walked downstairs still in my pajamas, only to find that me and Bill were the only ones awake.

"Bill, why did you wake me up for nothing?" I asked.

"Because I wanted some time alone with my favorite human!" Bill said, and dragged me into the kitchen.

What I saw was completely unexpected.

The entire kitchen was decorated with all kinds of Christmas decorations, including blinking lights, a decorated Christmas Tree, and ornaments hung on the ceiling.

There was also bacon and eggs on the table, which made me love Bill even more.

"Bill, this is really nice and all, but why didn't you put it in the living room where everyone will most likely be?" I asked.

"Cuz I wanted to surprise you, duh!" Bill said. He then pointed to the ceiling. "Look where you're standing, by the way."

I looked up, and almost crapped myself.

It was mistletoe. And I was standing right under it.

"Shit..." I whispered.

Bill stood closer to me, so close that our noses were touching.

"Merry Christmas, Dipper." Bill said, before he passionately kissed me on the lips.

~*~*time skip, brought to you by laziness!*~*~

Everyone was gathered in the living room, opening presents and drinking wine. Bill had gotten tipsy really fast, so I decided to keep him away from any more alcohol.

Mabel pushed a wrapped present over to me.

"This one's for you." She said.

"Thanks." I smiled, and opened the present.

It was two sweaters; one was red with a white pattern, and the other was green with red stripes.

"I know it's not the most amazing gift, but I couldn't think of anything else to get you." She said.

"Its okay, Mabel. I love it." I smiled, and hugged her.

"Oh, and by the way, one of them is for Bill!" She whispered. I picked up the green and red sweater and handed it to Bill.

"From Mabel." I said. Bill smiled.

"Thanks, Shooting Star." He said. He pulled the sweater over his head, and I must say, it didn't look half bad on him. I felt myself blush a little.

"Either I look good in this thing, or Pinetree had too much wine." Bill said with a smirk.

"Shut up!" I said.

Bill's POV: "Okay, Pinetree. This one's from me." I pushed a present over to him. I was pretty proud of myself for being able to wrap it, but Damn, that wrapping paper was not my friend.

"Thanks, Bill." He said with a smile. He almost sounded as if he hadn't expected me to get him anything.

Dipper opened the present slowly making me more and more nervous with each passing second.

When he opened the box, I saw his eyes widen. Oh no, he doesn't like it! I thought.

Dipper pulled out the contents of the box. There were three journals, which were white with a blue Pinetree silhouette on the covers, and labeled 1-3.

"Bill?" Dipper said.


"I love it!" He happily said, he threw his arms around me in a tight hug.

"I'm glad! Geez, kid, you almost gave me a nervous breakdown there." I said, and kissed his cheek.

The rest of the day, we continued to open presents, stuff our faces with junk food, and have a good time. I thought this holiday was gonna be a huge waste of time, but I had actually enjoyed myself.

At the end of the day, I had gotten quite a few presents.

A triangle necklace from Pinetree, (which was my favorite,) another sweater from Shooting Star, (this time it was yellow with a black bow tie at the collar,) and even a new outfit from Sixer. (It was a yellow button up shirt with black skinny jeans.)

"You can't just wear the same damn outfit every day." He had said. I just rolled my eyes at the comment.

Later that night, me and Dipper were in his room, just sitting in awkward silence. I was thinking about how much I had fun today, and just how much I was grateful I had Dipper.

I mean, if I didn't, I wouldn't have a place to stay. The mindscape has been falling apart ever know.

"Hey Dipper?"


"Thank you." I said.

Dipper looked at me blankly. "For what?" He asked.

"Just....for being there, I guess." I said. Dipper smiled.

"No problem." He said with a smile. He went back to filling out his new journals that I had gotten him, and all I could think about was him.

The way he looked.

The way he walked.

The way his voice sounded.

I could go on, and on, and on about all the reasons I loved Dipper Pines.

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