Uh Oh

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A/N: So I kinda wrote the last three? pages of this in the last hour because I got way too caught up in it... so it's kind of long. Sorry?? Let me know what you prefer....short or long chapters!

Accidentally ended up at roommates freshman year of college because I was mistaken for a male on the application form.


The first year of college and you are already a messed up individual. A misfit. Unique. You don't fit in a clique. Why? Because everyone thinks you're a man. Sure, you could be transgender, but you're not. You're a ciswoman with a vagina....yet the application was signed as male. So, here you are, sitting in the men's dorm, waiting anxiously for your roommate to explain to them that they will have a woman roommate...you had asked for a room change. But, alas, the women's dorms are full and even the co-ed dorms are full... this was the only space they had. You didn't mind too much... you just hope you can fully trust your roommate. Especially because of rape statistics.

"And then I said-" the door opens and a man comes in with two friends following behind. You were told your roommate was a year above you. He froze when he saw you, and wow, he had the neatest brown eyes you have ever seen. You stand up and smile awkwardly.

"Hello, I'm your roommate, Y/N.... ah, there was a...problem with the application form and I was mistaken as a man.... And since the dorms are full, I am going to continue to be your roommate." You explain, hands folded in front of you as his two friends snicker behind him.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N," the man says, slowly, as if he wasn't sure what to make of this. "My name is Mark." You smile and nod. Mark, a nice name.

"Nice to meet you, as well, Mark." You respond. And for once, you're glad you have a smaller bust and short hair because it makes you feel a little less self-conscious around these three men. One of his friends, a taller man with a loopy grin, steps forward and holds out his hand.

"I'm Wade!" You smile and shake his hand, his own dwarfing the size of yours.

"Nice to meet you, Wade!" You hum, already liking this....rather out-going and silly individual. He was quirky, and that was definitely something you admired..

"I'm Bob," the other one said, you grinned and shook his hand, as well.

"It's a pleasure!" You respond, awkwardly tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "Ah, if you want I...can leave... I should go see the campus a bit more, anyway." You start, wondering if you should leave these friends alone. However Wade shakes his head and looks at Mark.

"No! You can stay!" Bob nods in agreement and you feel your stomach warm. "After all, you're going to have to get used to us being around... our roommates kick us out all the time. So, we'll be around her quite often." Giggling, you nod, hand over your mouth.

"That's fine!" You respond, moving to adjust your bed.... When you had came in, Mark's stuff had been on his bed, so you had taken the other one.

"Ah, anyway, then I said..." You block out the noise as you finish making your bed, moving your empty duffle bag to the ground... Well, it wasn't empty, but you didn't know which drawers Mark would use and you didn't want to leave your....bras and panties and...other delicates, laying out. And you were glad you hadn't, too, seeing as Bob and Wade were over with your new roommate. Grabbing your laptop, you place it on the bed and move to get some of your notebooks out. You wanted to be ready and prepared for the first day of lessons, and you wanted to start labeling your notebooks and such. Taking a sharpie, you write your course names on the cover of each notebook and smile. Decorating around the names, you add swirls and flowers, happy to add a bit more of yourself into it. Wandering eyes, however, make you look up as you see Mark watching what you were doing. Biting your lip, you cap the marker and promise yourself you'll finish it later so you don't keep distracting Mark.

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