Headcanon Request #30

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#30 Secrets
((Set before any episode where Sam's shirtless))

Some secrets are never told, while some just never come up. Sam, for example, has many secrets he keeps from his team. Some of them S.H.I.E.L.D knows about, while others they don't know or don't care to know. Many, though, have just never been brought up. He doesn't bring them up so no one asks, and it's not like it's one of his most guarded secrets, it's just that he doesn't publicize it.

It was a very hot for a Saturday in June, and it was almost St as bad inside the Parker household. With Finals coming up Peter, Ava, Luke, and Danny were all studying. Sam, however, was laying on the couch in the living room in shorts and a T-shirt complaining. He had tried studying earlier on the few tests he had, but he lost concentration after an hour(3/4 of that hour was spent working on projects). Thank god that most of his classes assigned projects for finals with weeks of preparation.

"It's too hot!" Sam complained fanning himself as he laid lazily. "We should go swimming!" He exclaimed sitting up.

" That's actually no a bad idea," Ava commented. "For once, you say something not stupid!"

"Hey!" Sam protests defensively. "I'm not THAT stupid!"

"I could use a break, actually," Peter chimed in. "And I actually am getting a bit as well," Peter said fanning himself a bit.

"Okay then! Let's get changed and go!" Luke stands up and stretches. Everyone then disperses to change, and soon everyone is dressed in swimsuits along with carrying towels. They ended up driving to a farther away but larger water park rather than the closer pool the was being crowded. After finding where to set up camp and put their stuff while they swim, Sam was already soaked from being shoved under a large water dumping bucket so he took off the soaked shirt so it could dry.

"What's that on your back, Sam?" Danny asks questioningly causing all of the team's heads to turn to him. Sam turned around to face Danny.

"What?" Sam asked confused looking at their faces. Well, maybe looking up a little...He is the shortest...

"Your back," Danny points out. "There are a couple different scars."

"Oh, those?" Sam asked trying to crane his neck to look at his back. "I got those while with the Guardians of the Galaxy. Many tough missions, ya know?" Sam shrugged. "They're no big deal, we all have our fair share." They shook their heads.

"Not like those," Luka said. "Those are more-"

"Painful-looking," Danny inputs. Like nodded.

"They look like it hurt," Ava commented. "A lot!"

"Maybe they did," Sam shrugged.

"How, Sam?" Peter pushed. "Don't just brush this off!"

"Well, they're a combination of blaster and gun wounds as well as knife and sword wounds. Not forgetting the ones due to explosions and many from people who tried to pry information out of me about the Nova," Sam grumbled quietly so no one would hear. "Some of which you witnessed."

"Sorry, Sam... It's just... We all have scars from falling off our bike when we were younger, or simple gashes," Peter shook his head. "Not from guns and torture!" Peter snapped quietly.

"Whatever, if anyone asks I was caught in an explosion during an attack on the city, alright?" Sam demanded, and they shook their heads in agreement. "Good, and if it makes you feel better we'll take about it some other time. Now can we just swim, because if you hadn't noticed it's really hot outside," Sam snapped back?

"One more question?" Peter asks quietly causing Sam to sigh.

"What is it, Parker?" He asked.

"Does SHIELD know?" Peter asked curiously. Sam gave him a look that screamed 'are you stupid?'

"Of course they do!" Sam threw his hands up. "You think I could hide this from medical?" Sam gestured to his scarred torso, causing Peter to shrug. Sam rolled his eyes and started walking towards the pool. "You coming?" He shouted over his shoulder as he kept walking. Peter looked at the others and they all just shrugged. Then they started to jog to catch up with Sam.

Sam Alexander, The Last NovaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin