Japanese Girl Names [7]

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Hi minna! I know I haven't updated in like forever! Probably like since last summer...T-T. Anyway, despite the set back on updating (since I have so much activities during the day...), thanks for reading my 'story' and commenting! It makes me so happy to see your comments and that you all like it! I'm gonna try to keep updating, but no promises... *awkward smile* But, thanks for you love and support!! UPDATE: Sorry, but I might have name repeats and different meanings....


A Names:

Ai ~ meaning: love

Aiko ~ meaning: beloved

Akahana ~ meaning: red bright, flower

Akako ~ meaning: red [a passionate name that signifies the color]

Akasuki ~ meaning: hence

Aki ~ meaning: born in autumn

Amaya ~ meaning: night rain

Anzu ~ meaning: apricot

Aoi ~ meaning: hollyhock

Asa ~ meaning: born in the morning

Asako ~ meaning: child born in the morning

Ayako ~ meaning: pretty child

Ayame ~ meaning: iris

Ayameko ~ meaning: child of the iris

Ayumi ~ meaning: pace; walk

Azami ~ meaning: the flower of a thistle

B Names:

Bachiko ~ meaning: happy child

C Names:

Chika ~ meaning: near and dear

Chikako ~ meaning: clever [a shrewd name]

Chiyo ~ meaning: eternal

Chiyoko ~ meaning: child of a thousand generations

Chizu ~ meaning: a thousand storks

Chizuko ~ meaning: child of a thousand storks

Cho ~ meaning: butterfly [a light name]

Choko ~ meaning: child of the dawn; born at dawn

Choyo ~ meaning: a generation of dawns

D Names:

Dai ~ meaning: great

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