Athena what did you do?

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Hermione PoV
I open up my eyes as I feel the sunlight touch my skin I turn to one side to see my husband lying next to me. I gently place a kiss on his cheek and sit up

"Morning love" Draco drawls sleepily

"Morning Draco" as the words leave my mouth I hear a small pop and look to see one of our paid house elves Dobby Jr enter the room.

"Morning Hermione and Draco the young masters and mistresses wish to be let it to see their parents?"

"Let them in please Dobby Jr." Draco smiled.

"Daddy, Mommy" my darling little Athena had jumped onto our bed cuddling up to us

"Hello dad hello mom" Lyra Faye my second child had climbed onto bed hugging her farther and me

"Hey mom hi dad" Leo and Scorpious chimed together as they passed Dobby Jr

"Hello Children and how are you all" I smiled cuddling up to Athena.

We are alright mom however I'm craving some blueberry pancakes so can you to get up please" Lyra pleaded with me and Draco

"Get out then" Draco laughed at his children and they scurried downstairs. As they did we got up to get dressed and eat with our children.

I sat down at the dining table as myself Draco and the children dug in.

"Hermione here is the post collected from the garden owlary" Dobby Jr smiled up at me as I accepted the letters and patted his head.
I open the first letter

Dear Hermione
Hi Hermione it's pansy, are you and your gorgeous daughters busy this afternoon I have a new line I'm dying to show you plus 3 new dress which they can wear for the ministry ball this weekend and bring the boys I can get their suits tailored as I believe old dress robes are too old fashioned these days if you can please owl me and visit my diagon ally shop around 3
Lots of love Pansy

I smiled as I finished the letter and placed it down.

"Honey? Have we any plans today"

"Not that I'm aware of why?"

"Pansy wants us at her shop for 3 seems she has had a new line out and she's dying for us to try on a few and get yours and the boys suits tailored"

"Okay honey put of she pricks me with a needle I'll curse off her hair"

"Daddy that's mean!" Athena snarled whilst throwing a dollop of whipped cream at her farther.

"Athena!" I called warningly and she settled back down

"Leo?" I heard Lyra question I looked towards my son who had cream on his brow looks like Athena missed.

"I'm gonna get you little sister" Leo taunted whilst throwing a handful of blueberries towards myself Lyra and Athena.

And before I could stop it a food fight had began in my dining room and my silly husband had joined in.

Oh Athena, what have you done this time.

Here is the first actual chapter hope you like and the media photo is Athena Malfoy or trouble as Draco calls her can you guess why?

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