Chapter 5: Set back

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*Safia's POV*

"We're going down! " M'gann shouts.

"We're yelling Timber!" Wally yells.

"Shut up Flash Boy!" Artemis Smacks the back of Wally's head.

"Uh guys... We better move or something! It looks like we're going to crash into the building!" Robin yells.

"We better move, we better dance!" Wally sings loudly, then laughing at his own reference.

"I think It would be the best if you stopped speaking." Aqualad stammers.

"Ok, ok... Oh wait! Is that Simon? Cause we won't remember!!" Wally sang again.

"What?! Where?" M'gann panicked.

"I'm just kidding!" He laughs.

"WALLY!" The whole team, including me yelled.

We were all to busy yelling at eachother to notice how close we were getting to the ground. We crashed.

~~--Time Skip--~~

I slowly opened one eye after another. Everything around me was dark. The I just had remembered what had previously happened. The crash. I could move, but my space was very limited. I tried to move whatever was on top of me off, but it was to heavy. I tried to use my powers to blast it off, but I just froze half of it.

I didn't have any communication with the team. I'll stuck under here forever, left to die. I gave up. I just laid the waiting for my time to come. But then a sudden burst of hope came to me when I heard loud banging from above me. All of a sudden a giant half frozen bolder was lifted off of me. I saw Superboy standing there, holding out his hand to help me up.

"Took you long enough!" I sighed, accepting his hand.

"You know I could have just left you there!" He scoffs.

" well I could have gotten myself out there at anytime!" I shout back.

"Yea, yea, ok. Just help me find the rest of the team!" He rolls his eyes.

"Ok then!" I say back in a mocking tone, walking in the opposite direction .

I start to look through the mess of broken building pats, and the bits and prices of our dismantled ship, that were scattered along the area. Something caught my eye though. A black piece of cloth stuck out from under a rock. I slowly walk over to where I saw the cloth, and started to lift up, and throw rocks of of the figure.

I'm secretly hoping for the person I find to be KF or M'gann , even though there's no trace of black on either of there costumes. I finally lift off the last rock, as soon as I realized who it was, I looked down T them in disappointment.

"Great. It's you!" I sighed, looking down at an unconscious bird boy.

"Uh Robin?" I got closer to him and poked his arm.

He's unresponsive. I sighed. I can't just leave him here. After a lot of thinking, I finally decided to pick him up, and carry him around on my back.

"Ugh! He's heavier than he looks!" I groan.

I start to walk over in the direction that Superboy went in, and discovered that he had found Artemis, Aqualad, and M'gann. I assume they are now looking for KF. Judging on how there walking around cluelessly. As I walked closer to them, they all noticed my presence. They turned around to look at me, but shortly after they all started laughing.

"What?!" I yell.

"Blackmail!" Wally yells super speeding over to where we all are.

Wally quickly pulled out his phone, and started to take many pictures of me and Robin. His flash was on, and it some how woke up Robin.

"Well this is a awkward type of hug.." He spoke, yawning.

"Eh!" I let go of him letting him fall to the ground.

"Ow! What was that for?"

I raised my hand, starting to say something, but Aqualad interrupted me.

"I'm afraid we have bigger things to worry about." He pointed behind us.

We all turned around and saw two people standing there. Or a crazy plant lady, and a ball of dirt, to be more clear. Poison Ivy, and Clay-Face stood there confused. Ivy had the Rose Quartz, the one that she wanted before, it was now around her neck. Clay-Face just had two tan bags full with who knows what. They carefully set there things dos , and got in a fighting stance ready to fight.


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