Chapter 22 "I'm Sorry." "I Am So, So, Sorry."

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"Samantha!" Her name comes out mutilated in the scream that tares from my throat.

  The only other words I can think to say to Lauren are angry and pain filled, and they come spilling out of my mouth in a frightening snarl. "You Fucking Bitch!" But Samantha isn't the only one tied up, a boy about her age with short jet black hair, and bright forest green eyes is tied up as well with his back to her's. He looked like he was a foot taller than Samantha, and I was probably about a foot or two, taller than him. He looks at me with failure, and pleading in his eyes. Almost as if to say he tried everything he could to save them both. Samantha is covered in bruises and her own blood that she keeps trying to keep out of her mouth. And I can see where tears have spilled, and have stained her cheeks. That's when I recognize it, the loss of all hope. The loss of all hope, in her ocean blue eyes.

Lauren smiles as I have given her the reaction she had hoped for. She looks around the room at all her guests. "Enjoying the show?" The guests all around the room clap in approval. What the hell is wrong with them? She nods at them and then slyly, like a fox, makes her way over to Samantha.

All I feel is pain as my mother approaches in front of me. She looks calm but desperate as she lowers her voice so only I can hear. "Your going to show me how you can fight back in the dream scape or I'm going to kill you all, and I'm going to start with your father first, then your precious Damian, and then I'll end with you, making it excruciatingly painful, and slow." "Just so you understand, what's at stake." She says slightly laughing to herself. She flicks her head to the side towards me and a guard walks over to me and yanks my hair back so that I stare right at my mother. She gives me that devilish smile again. "Watch my people!" Her voice rings through the room. "We Dream Walkers shall soon have our answers!" Her attention returns to me. And then I feel a surge of blistering pain before the blackness takes over and I pass out, and my last thought is that my father, Damian, and I are all going to die because I know she's going to kill us either way, along with whoever my mother wants to use my skill against, unless I give up probably the biggest revelation that the "Dream Walkers" as my mother had called all of us, has ever had. I am going to die. She is going to kill me. I am going to die.

  The dreams start and I'm thrown into the darkest cave I've ever seen. I scream as the darkness consumes me. I cling onto a wall to stop whatever kind of force is pushing me deeper into the cave. I reach out to grab another section of the cave wall and as it pulls loose from the wall so does a bloody, insect infested, body. It doesn't take long to recognize who it is, except it's not a who, it's a them. The body's face is a mixture between Damian's and my fathers features. But their whole body and face is a mangled dismembered mess. I scream a scream louder than I have ever screamed before hearing it echo in the cave making it a million times louder until I can't scream anymore.

The horrifying, unnatural sound, that erupts from my daughter is so ear piercing that several glasses in the room shatter. Lauren looks drunk with power as she penetrates deeper into Samantha's mind. She doesn't even notice as thin streams of blood trickle down her own nose and ears. "Samantha." I whisper as tears stream down my face. "I'm sorry." "I'm so, so, sorry."

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