Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

"So who is the girl in the drawings?" I asked exasperated.  Aaron didn't reply, instead he just looked at me, deep into my eyes.   His deep emerald eyes bore into mine, as he moved slightly closer.  His face was inches from mine, and slowly getting closer.  His eyes slowly shut, and instinctively mine did too, and he closed the small distance between us and pressed his lips to mine...

I was lost in this kiss, nothing else mattered anymore, but Aaron gently pulled away - too soon.  I opened my eyes and bit my lip.

"Oh." I said quietly, finally realising that the girl in all of Aaron's drawings, was in fact me.  I looked down at the sketchpad on my lap again in disbelief...did Aaron really see me like that?  Was I really that pretty? 

"Oh?" He asked quietly, stroking my cheek gently.  I resisted the urge to pull him into another kiss, which was pretty hard.

"I just realised that, um, this is me." I told him, feeling quite silly.  Aaron chuckled.

"You didn't see the resemblance before?" He asked me, smiling, and I shook my head. 

The smell of cooked fish instantly made Aaron's head snap up - he must've been quite hungry.  I checked the clock and it was 8pm - wow, where had the time gone?  Aaron saw that I wasn't fussed about the fish, and frowned.

"You not hungry?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.  He didn't know that Zayne had made a huge picnic for me, and I didn't really want to tell him - it wasn't important, and Aaron was in a good mood so there was no point in ruining it. 

"Yeah, sure." I smiled.  Aaron took my hand and pulled me to my feet, before we walked downstairs - well, Aaron walk, I hobbled.  My ankle still hurt after falling from the bed.  We all sat at the table, in a sort of awkward silence.  I didn't know what to say to Aaron after our kiss, I just kept subconsciously glancing at him.  He looked up from his food, and held my gaze, obviously aware that I'd been staring.  He smiled slightly, and I blushed, instantly looking away.  Rachel glanced suspiciously at me, but I kept my head down for the rest of the meal.  For some reason, Zayne popped into my head, and I thought back to when we had that picnic in the forest.  He was a nice guy, sure, and I think he liked me - why else would he go through all that trouble to make a picnic like that...but I didn't lead him on or anything, did I?  Then I remembered that when he asked  if I was with Aaron, I said in Zayne's head, I was single.  Great.  So now, before Zayne does anything else like that picnic, I needed to let him know that it wouldn't happen, I mean, he deserves that at least, right?  I decided that I'd tell him after we'd all eaten, it would be easier that way.  I'll just tell everyone I'm, going on a walk. 

I finished my fish, and stood up to leave, just when there was BANG outside.  The whole house shook, and I was sure that it would all fall down.  I quickly went to Louisa and Marnie, who were both screaming.  I pulled them to me, and held them tightly, in an attempt to calm them down.  Rachel, who was holding Belle, and Aaron both looked very scared...none of us knew what was going on.

"What's happening?" Marnie asked, her quiet voice verging on a whimper as tears began to trickle down her pale cheeks.  I didn't answer her, I couldn't answer her.  I had no idea what was happening.  Aaron ran to the window, and looked up at the sky.

"WHAT THE HELL?"  His mouth gaped open as he watched the sky.  I quickly followed him, eager to see what was going on.  When I looked up, I saw two Aeroplanes circling us, and dropping large objects that exploded as soon as they touched the ground...they were bombing us.  The planes were jet black, with a large red letter F along the sides. 

As they dropped more bombs, the house shook even more.  They were getting closer to our house...we needed to get out of here. 

"We need to get out of the house." Rachel said quickly.

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