Freelancer War

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"Walk much?" Iowa remarked, with her iconic sassy tone, patting me on the shoulder. I glared at her, though she couldn't see it under my visor. She felt it, I know she felt it, because she laughed – you know, that laugh you make when you just know something.

"Shut up," I hissed, pushing past her and up the stairs to the observation deck. She followed me, trying to get her laughter under control.

"I could have let you fall, Nev!" She rushed up the stairs to catch up with me, walking along side me. I muttered under my breath about all the little incidents that have happened to her over the years. She just turned to look at me, probably arching a brow under her helmet, questioning me.

"What did you say, Nev?"

I stopped, turning to face her for just a second, chuckling quietly, and continued walking. I heard her grumble something.

She hit me.

Alaska, Colorado, and Michigan met us at the top of the stairs. "Took you long enough. I would have finished that match in like," Alaska studied me for a moment, thinking, "ten minutes."

I arched a brow, standing in front of him. "Challenge me next time and we'll find out." I couldn't be menacing, considering I was more than a full head shorter than he was. He and Iowa were the two tallest Freelancers here – CO and I are the two shortest. I take the prize, though. She's an inch or two above me. My eyes drifted over to the blondie, narrowing when I saw the spark of inspiration light up her eyes. She took several steps back, away from the group, her eyes set on Alaska as he turned and walked away from the group.

"What are you doing, Colorado...?" I asked hesitantly. She gave me a wide smile, and suddenly ran forward, diving for Alaska's legs. It took him to the ground. He hit the floor, yelling in surprise, the impact echoing in the chamber. CO chuckled as she stood up, apparently proud of her handiwork.

"Why do I even bother trying to walk anymore!" He exclaimed, a mixture of amusement and slight – very slight – annoyance tinting his voice. "A certain flamboyant Freelancer doesn't like it!" He threw his hands up into the air in surrender.

"Who's being mean? The giant freak of nature or the imp?" Oregon, who had walked up behind us, crowed. He came to stand beside me. I just playfully pushed him away, crossing my arms over my chest.

They ignored the comment, thankfully. "I thought you were going to spend the day trying to cool down Montana down," Alaska observed, looking at him as he leaned against the wall. Oregon just shook his head.

"What? I'm not allowed to hang out with my team?" Oregon asked, putting an arm around my shoulders. Immediately, I pushed him away -again-, shaking my head. Even though I couldn't see it, I knew he smiled at me, that cocky grin that always made me want to punch him, just like the good old days.

"Unreasonable mood, still?" Iowa asked, looking over at Oregon, who was paying more attention to the hallway behind us. He nodded in response.

"And I'm pretty sure you can guess why. She's not very happy about the match," He said, sighing, looking away as we saw her turn the corner, walking towards us.

We all went silent as Montana stormed past us, her anger pooling off her body in waves. I bit my lip, watching as she passed. I really wish I knew exactly why she's always so pissed, especially at me. From the stories I heard, she used to be pretty nice before I came along. Do I really have that effect on people?

"If we don't move, the others will get all the good grub," Michigan said, looking at each of us. It was a good point, actually. We had simply stopped in the hallway, chatting, when the mess hall was a better place for it anyways.

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