Kyoko's Fear: Stolen. (A Skip Beat! Fanfic)

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Thanks always to my wonderful Beta reader @rsrdiall

I do not own Skip Beat.

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Kyoko's Fear: Stolen.

The small eyes were wide with trepidation and fear as the large hound was kicked fiercely down the cellar stairs, the yelps and whines echoed in the small space, as Kuma attempted to stop his downwards descent, but his paws and claws were no use to him as his body painfully connected with every step. His senses grew fuzzy and uncoordinated as he finally came to rest on the damp, cold stones that made up the floor of what was to be his prison. Kuma fought the blackness that was threatening his consciousness. His body was sore and broken in places, Kuma couldn't understand what had happened. It had all happened so fast, he had been with his omega friend, the one that smelt of soft rubber, paper and ink. The one who helped his he alpha and was with him daily. They had been out together for a walk while awaiting his alpha's return.

The white, wheeled box had come upon them swiftly, the pack with covered faces had gone territorial against his omega friend. The blows they had landed with wooden sticks had rendered his friend to the darkness as he himself had been dragged into the box. He had been poked and prodded before being put into an unwanted sleep. No matter how he had fought against the drooping of his eyes he had been unable to hold back against the unnatural lethargy his body and mind had been faced against. When he had finally regained consciousness, the sights, the smells and even the people were unknown to him. The people were cruel and feral, resorting to violence rather than the normal kindness he was used to. He knew most of the bruises littering his body were the result of a booted foot, or well aimed punch. It made no sense to him, why was he here? Where were his alphas? What was happening? He had no answers to his questions as he lay there at the bottom of those stairs, trying to regain all of his normal heightened senses. The scared eyes in the dark watched his unmoving profile, unknown to him as he fought the drugs hold on his conscious mind.

Kyoko and Kanae were on the scene within minutes of the phone call from Lory. The hospital was bustling with reporters everywhere. As the private car pulled into the underground car park cameras were pressed against the windows, the flashes luckily not blinding due to the heavy window tint. Sebastian met them as soon as they stepped from the elevator. Kanae's grip on Kyoko's hand tightening if possible as Kyoko fought against screaming out in pain. Kanae needed her now and she would not let her best friend down. Even if it did cost her the blood flow to her left hand and her now very white fingers. Sebastian was silent as he led them down the busy hallways. No one spoke to them or questioned their presence, this was LME's private hospital and that was how Lory expected it to be run. Privately.

"REN!" Kyoko exclaimed as her tall, handsome boyfriend stepped into view out of a side room.

Ren got no chance to speak as Kanae instantly released Kyoko's hand rushing into the room Ren had just exited with Kyoko swiftly on her heels. Kyoko sighed her relief as strong arms and hands wrapped around her body from behind. A sobbing Kanae was in the arms of her own boyfriend, Yashiro as he tried to calm and console the girl who was clinging to him with such urgency Kyoko thought she wouldn't be letting him go soon.

"What happened?" Kanae demanded between sobs.

"The President called and said you had been rushed to the hospital. I was so scared! I thought something terrible had happened." she said as she sobbed once more.

Yashiro gently stroked her back with his free hand. His other hand was holding what appeared to be an ice pack to the back of his head, but it was Ren that spoke first.

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