Chapter 5: Genders

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"Aaralyn, wake up. You have a doctor's appointment," I heard Gabe's voice in my ear.
"Five more minutes?" I asked
"You asked that 10 minutes ago."
"Fine," I got up and walked to the bathroom to shower. I lazily threw my hair in a bun and showered and then dried off. I put on some leggings and a t-shirt and brushed my teeth. I put my vans on and sat on the bed.
"I'm so tired," I groaned.
"I know baby, you'll be fine," Gabe took my hand to get me up.
I walked behind him down the steps to my car. I handed him the keys.
"I don't wanna drive," I said.
He started the car and drove to the doctors office. We checked in and waited.
We were sitting in a corner with a older lady next to us and I'm guessing a grandma on the other side of us. It was packed.
"Aary, is that?"
"It is," I smirked. Justin knocked up another bitch.
He saw me and a gave him an evil little smile and mouthed 'whore'.
He looked at me and I mouthed, 'it's yours.'
"Ms. Ramirez?" The nurse called me back. Me and Gabe gladly got up away from those ladies and ignored the stares.
"Follow me and Dr. Cody will be with you shortly," she guided us to my little room.
I sat on the chair and they recorded the blood pressure and weight and all the fun stuff.
The door opened again after 10 minutes and Dr. Cody walked in.
"Good morning, Ms. Aaralyn. How are you feeling?" She asked me.
"Tired. Very tired," I replied.
He smiled and looked at my stomach.
"I see the little one has grown."
"Well lay back and you'll get to see him or her."
I laid back and cringed as the cold gel was spread on my stomach.
"Would you like to know the gender?" She asked.
I looked at Gabe and nodded.
"Please," he said.
"Congratulations, your having a baby boy!"
I smiled and looked at Gabe, who was ecstatic.
"Have you picked out a name yet?"
"Not yet, we're getting help from Eden. Not easy," I told her.
Me, Eden, and Gabe have been searching baby names for about an hour and a half. I've circled about 3 of them: Asher, Jean-Luc, and Zak.
Gabe has circled 3, and so had Eden. I wrote all of them down on a board and looked at them.
There was Asher, Jean-Luc, Zak, Thomas, J.J., Max, Brett, Carter, and Drake.
"I like Asher," Eden said.
"Me too," Gabe looked at me and winked.
I rolled my eyes.
"Asher Thomas?" I questioned myself.
I looked at Gabe, "Asher Thomas Darcy."
He smiled, "Perfect."
I laid on the couch with my head on a pillow in his lap and he played with my hair.
"I love you," Gabe said randomly.
"I love you, too," I said sincerely.
He put his hand on my stomach and rubbed it. I closed my eyes and started falling asleep.
I was 8 month pregnant now and exhausted. Gabe was currently getting my bag ready for the hospital and has been anxious.
"Gabe would you sit down. Your making me nervous."
"Sorry," he sat next to me.
"Never mind get up," I said my eyes widening.
"My water just broke."
-skipping the birth part-
"Would you like to hold him?" The nurse asked me politely.
I nodded and took him in my arms.
"He's so tiny," I said.
"He was born almost a month in a half early ma'am. We consider him a Preemie, but he's fine because he's healthy." The nurse told me.
"That's okay, he's perfect."
Gabe was standing by me smiling and playing with my hair for comfort and I looked at him.
"Do you want to hold him?"
He nodded and took him from me while I switched my bed since I you know just gave birth in that one. I layed back down in mine and told him he can go get everyone if they wanted.
He gave me Asher and he walked out the door.
"Welcome to the world, Asher. Happy birthday." I smiled and he opened his eyes a little and noticed they were blue. His hair was a dark brown. He looked like me. Which I'm happy about.
"Lily and Eden you gotta whisper okay?" I heard Gabe say.
Then I saw Eden and Lily running to come see me.
"Ladies first," Eden said. I looked at him. When did he get manners?
Gabe put Lily in the bed. I'm so happy she's feeling better.
She sat next to me and she asked to hold him. I helped her get ready for him and put him in her arms.
"Bubba take a picture!" She said happily.
Gabe took a picture of her and then me and Lily. Eden did the same thing. And Asher was passed around and pictures were taken. The nurse came in and asked Gabe to fill out the birth certificate. She had to ask everyone to leave the room so I could feed Ash too. She looked so stressed.
She gave me the "directions" on how to feed him. It felt weird. I mean it's a baby sucking my nipple... I laughed at myself. This will be fun.

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