Chapter 2: Him

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So lately I've been noticing Aaralyn. Her bright blue eyes went so well with her dark black hair. Her pale complexion that complemented her personality; innocent and sweet. I have four classes with her. She always sits in the back corner, stays quiet, and turns bright pink when the teacher calls on her. I wonder why?
This morning I have English tutoring. English is one class I have with Aaralyn.
I walk into the empty class room and sit next to Ms. Cassidy.
"Good morning, Gabe," she welcomed me.
"Good morning," I smiled.
"Ready for the help? I'm guessing understanding what Shakespeare is saying?" She asked me.
"Yeah, is that even English?"
"Yes, it's just the old, old version of it. I think I may have someone in the class who can help you pass the year. Do you think that would help you?"
"Yes Ms. Cassidy, a lot."
I walked to Ms. C's room this morning just to talk to her. She's known me since I was 3. She babysat me. She got me into reading. I opened the door and looked up smiling to great her, but I saw someone else at her desk.
I heard the door open to see Aaralyn walking in with a big smile. She saw me and looked down.
"Ms. Ramirez, would you mind tutoring Gabe in English?" Ms. C asked her.
"Um, I-I guess not," she stuttered. It was cute.
"Thank you, oh, Aary, will you go get some things off the printer in the lounge?"
"Sure!" Aaralyn answered before hurrying out the door.
I looked at Ms. C and asked, "I have a huge crush on the girl and you know her better than anyone and I need to know how to get her to talk to me."
"Aaralyn is shy, she's had a rough life. She hates attention and hates jocks. I know she likes Crown The Empire. I see her drawings throughout class. She's a damn good singer as well. Just don't pressure her or be over bearing towards her."
Aaralyn walk back in with a stack full of papers.
"Gabe would you like to start your homework now? Aaralyn will help if you need it." Ms. C asked me.
"Sure," I replied. She gave me two packets and motioned to Aaralyn.
"Here," I said quietly, handing her a paper.
"Thank you," and then spoke again, "do you want to come to my place or yours?"
I looked at her and gave her a genuine smile, "Either."
Gabe and I decided that my place would be better to study. So, after school, I picked Eden up and had Gabe with me in the car.
It was so tense in the car you could cut it with a knife.
"Aary will you put on Sleeping With Sirens please?" Eden asked.
"Yeah. Just wait till we stop," I replied.
We finally got to a red light and I plugged my phone in and out Sleeping With Sirens on shuffle. The first song to come on was 'A Trophy Father's Trophy Son' which was Eden's favorite. I could see him in the mirror lip syncing to the lyrics. I know he didn't understand what they meant since he was only 7. I did. And every word meant something to me. Our dad was abusive and left us right after Mom got pregnant with Eden. We got beaten all the time for simple things like not doing the dishes.
We had finally gotten home before my emotions came over me while the song played. I unbuckled Eden and he ran inside. Guess I'll get his book sack. I grabbed my 20 pound bag and his and threw mine in my room.
"You can put your bag in my room," I stated.
"Alright," he said.
"Rae! I'm home! I'm tutoring so don't bother me!" I yelled at my big sister. 
"Who's Rae?" Gabe asked.
"My sister."
We got to know each other a little better for an hour. Gabe lived with his dad and basically raised his little sister, who is in Eden's class. He plays guitar and sings. His dad is in a band. Gabe's goal is to be famous and have a family. He like Crown The Empire; thank god! He has an older sister in college. Oh, and he has a big crush on someone.
"So what do you need help on?" I questioned.
"What the hell is Shakespeare saying?!" He exclaimed, "Is it even English?"
I giggled, "I promise it is," I explained to him all the metaphors, old English, and dirty jokes.
It was around 6 when we were done with homework and studying.
"What are your grades?" He asked.
"All of them?"
He nodded.
"Um, I have an A in Adv. Math, A in English III, B in Chemistry Honors, A in Art III, A in French III, and an F in Civics," I stated embarrassed.
"Well you're smart," he stated.
"Not in Civics. I just don't get it."
He looked up at me, "I don't get you."
"You're so smart, Aaralyn, why don't you show people that? Being smart isn't a shame, it's great! You're so shy, but you don't need to be," I looked up at him comprehending his words, "why don't you see that?"
He was staring into my eyes and I was lost in his green ones. I could feel him getting closer like a magnetic attraction I couldn't stop. Eventually I felt his lips crash against mine like a wave against a beach. Forceful, yet passionate and delicate. I didn't want it to end, and it didn't. We made out for a good half hour. I was laying down on my bed and he was hovering over me while kissing me. He had my hands in his.
But of course this moment got cut short when his sister called. The look in his eyes turned cold.
"How the fuck am I supposed to get there?! I can't drive!" He yelled into his phone.
I tapped him lightly, "I have a car."
"I'll be there as soon as possible."
"Take me to the hospital. My dad hurt Lily," his voice cracked. He looked like he was about to cry.
I jumped out of bed and put on shoes and we both frantically ran out the door. Gabe was so nervous he couldn't stop moving.
I walking in with him to see a little girl unconscious and hooked up to wires. Lily. I stood at the door not sure of what to do. I didn't want to intrude on their family. Gabe and his father started arguing and I got really uncomfortable. I could see his little sister just motionless and I felt so bad. His older sister was in the corner crying when she noticed me. She walked over to me and introduced herself.
"Hi, I'm Harlee," she said softly, "I'm sorry you have to hear that."
"Aaralyn. And it's alright. I know how they both feel."
"What do you mean?"
"Gabe is upset and disappointed and angry. Your father is probably confused, mad and upset with himself, and had this wave of random emotion going through him. Sometimes it's just hard to tell how you feel because you want to think you're okay even if your not."
She just looked at me kind of shocked. I immediately turned red and looked down.
"I-I'm sorry. I should intervene in your family business."
"Don't be sorry," she put her hand on my shoulder. "Do you want to go walk around for s little while?"
"Um, sure," I answered. Did I just make a friend?
She told their dad where we were going and I just looked at Gabe. He looked so broken and vanerable. I mouthed 'I'll be back' and walked with Harlee.
"Do you like my brother?" She asked me.
"Yeah, a lot actually," I started blushing and looked down.

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