part 2

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Dont let it show that you know who they are. Chances are that they will enjoy killing you more if you say something like this, "NO! Jeff The Killer please dont kill me!" they will assume you are a fangirl (which you probably are) and they will enjoy torturing you along with the other creepypastas.

Dont be vulnerable. If you sense that someone is watching you then lock all the doors and windows. And if they are already in your home and you know it then dont be predictable! That is the last thing you want to be if you are hiding from a creepypasta. In other words of not being predictable,


I wrote that sentence in bold and underlined it for a reason. The bed is the first place the creepypasta is going to check. The closet is also a bad idea. Hide somewhere totally different! Be creative and dont ever go to the usual hiding spots. EVER!

And also another thing is that people hiding from a threat that has a weapon forget to take their own weapon! If you forget your weapon while trying to hide from a creepypasta, then what are you gonna do when the creepypasta finds you? Are you planning on just laying there and playing dead?!

No. Of course you aren't.

So make sure you squeeze in enough time to get a huge and sharp knife from the kitchen or any other affective weapons that are sure to at least cripple the creepypasta you are running/hiding from.

And also if you cant go to the kitchen or you dont have a good weapon hidden in your room or somewhere in your house then you need to come up with a quick weapon.

If you ever need a quick weapon make sure it is effective in some way. A good example would be big flashlight. You could use the handle of the flashlight and hit the creepypasta in the head with it. A terrible example would be stuff like a lamp shade, throwing stuffed animals/pillows/blankets at the killer, or using your bare hands. I know using your bare hands sounds like a good quick weapon but if you think that then you are completely wrong. Remember that creepypastas never go out killing unarmed. They always have a better weapon than your fists.

Hopefully this chapter will save your life. Keep reading to learn more!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2016 ⏰

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