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A Missing Sword

Nolan walked through the mist of morning, his thoughts churning. His white robes whisked at his side, brushing the immaculate stone beneath him, but his mind was set inward, thinking on the piece of paper he held in his white-gloved hand.

A note that would be Vaster's salvation or its doom.

He stopped abruptly at a crossroads, placing his hands on the stone and looking out over Vaster, the Great Kingdom of Sun. He attempted a steadying breath while taking in the sights below, hoping the familiar scene of the beautiful city would set his racing mind at ease. Though all the Great Kingdoms were visions to behold, to Nolan there was no city the equal of Vaster.

Around him like a field were spiraling towers born of crystal, glass, and white stone. Below, streets ran like narrow rivers of gold, winding their way through the high city, flowing all the way to its base far below. The whole of it sat on a rise as if propped up to graze the sun—its spires the golden fingers scraping the clouds.

Yet the true spectacle of Vaster was still an hour away.

When the sun crested the skyline, gracing the kingdom with its presence, the thousands of mirrors positioned all over the city, the glass statues in the courtyards, the golden turrets, and all else—the whole kingdom would burst with brilliant gold light, showing its namesake as the "shining jewel" of Farhaven.

Some thought the City of Sun was built using the sun to reveal its splendor, but Nolan knew the truth. Vaster was a city of unparalleled beauty—as were many of the Great Kingdoms—but it was only ever meant to highlight the magnificence of the sun, never to surpass it.

Nolan grew restless and turned.

He couldn't sit still and think. He needed to move. And when his mind was racing, as it was now, there was only one place he could go that made sense, one place where he found solace. Nolan headed to the very pinnacle of it all—the center tower called the Apex, and a clear, crystal room that sat upon its crown.

With a breath, Nolan freed the leather thong from around his neck, holding the heavy key before him. He inserted it into the keyhole and it clicked open.

Only the dozen Council members, the ruling government of Vaster, along with the Steward of the City of Sun were gifted a key to the Chamber of Sun.

Nolan entered, walking toward the glass case in the center. The room was circular and the far walls weren't stone, but glass. The morning fog pressed against the glass, suffusing the room in a moody dull-gray light, which gave the impression of walking amid quiet storm clouds. His soft-booted steps echoed loudly off the walls. As he approached, Nolan felt the hollowness inside him grow. He stopped an arm's length away.

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