I lounged against the doorjamb, enjoying the view. "I think I'll just stick to watching."

Throwing me a sinful smile, he stepped into the stall and positioned himself beneath the spray, the mist slowly dampening his hair. I licked my lips, unabashedly staring as he deftly ran his hands over every inch of him. He was deliberately enticing me and I was falling under his spell. He looked like an orgasmic dream come to life. It was damned hard resisting joining him and letting him have his way with me.

He stepped out just as quickly, snagged a towel, scrubbing it over his torso and then wrapped it around his waist before he sauntered toward me.

He cupped my face in his hands. "What would you say if I told you to move in with me?"

I stood frozen, astonished by the casualness in which he'd tossed out the question, like it was the most natural thing in the world—at least for us.

It took a minute to process what he was suggesting. "What?"

Stepping aside, he retreated into his bedroom. I spun around, momentarily thrown by his unexpected pronouncement and watched as he rifled through his drawer.

With his back to me, he pointed out, "Once again, you came here as soon as you woke up, Maddie—"

"Did you ever think I had a reason for coming here?"

Turning, he faced me. "A reason that couldn't be accomplished by a call or text?"

"Maybe," I muttered, begrudgingly.

He smirked.

"Whatever." My eyes narrowed. "That's beside the point."

"Hardly," he countered. "I don't have to tell you I get up every morning thinking of you, Maddie. That's a given. I want that"—he gestured to his bed—"waking up to you, and then nights falling asleep next to you so we can do it again."

I melted. I couldn't help it. Standing there, looking entirely delectable in only his towel, he was making it hard for me to think properly.

"We've only been a couple for over a week, Trav," I whispered softly.

"That's not true." Travis argued, his jaw clenching. "And you know it."

I sighed. "I still think it's too soon."

"We're never going to spend the night apart. I won't allow that to happen." Travis said in a deep firm tone. "Why keep up the pretence of not rushing into things? Why put off the inevitable?"

How did he sound perfectly reasonable while still admitting how vulnerable I made him? I had no leverage to deny him of anything—it was so hard for me. Too afraid that I would end up losing him instead.

When I stayed quiet, Travis held his arms open for me. "Come here, Maddie." Unable to resist, I walked straight into him and hugged him tight. "I love you," he murmured, reading my mind as always. "I'm not going anywhere."

My forehead rested on his bare chest. I was worried that we were overlooking a pitfall that would eventually hurt us. "Can we not talk about this right now?"

Travis didn't say anything for a while. And then he tipped my chin and kissed me. Hard.

Leaving me breathless, he stepped away to get dressed. "So what was it you needed from me?" It took me a lengthy beat to form a reply. He paused in the act of fastening his jeans. "Maddie?"

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