Dizzie (Daring & Lizzie)

650 18 14

Ok, here we go. Let me start right of with my honest opinion. I'm not a fan of this ship. It used to be because I was a Darise shipper, which I'm not anymore, I'm Cericcup through and through. But now it's because I ship Darabella, hard!

I've never been to fond of it, and I never will be.


1. Daring only went on a date with her because of some stupid dare Sparrow gave him to do. What if Lizzie found that out? It would be off with Daring's head!

2. Daring is too conceited and Lizzie too impulsive. They wouldn't work well together.

3. Lizzie lives in Wonderland for Grimm's sake! She's mad! Daring is just...charming? I don't know. They just don't strike me as being a good couple.

I'm really truly sorry Dizzie shippers! I don't mean to offend you, but I've never liked Dizzie, and y'all wanted my opinion, so there you have it. Suggest me more ships! I've done every ship I've been given so far! I'm out! Lol! Thanks y'all! Enjoy!

-AlohaGirl27 🤓🌺

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