Chapter Sixteen: Grief

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Merritt, Henley, Daniel and Carly all sit and watch the TV at their secondary base of operations. They all listed to the loss of their beloved Horsemen as they set up their stream.

"Today, the unfolding story of a popular and controversial group of magicians, who have been fast capturing the public's imagination, took a dark turn when a police action that began in Chinatown developed into a dramatic, high speed chase across the 59th Street Bridge." The newscaster spoke. "This caused the fatal collision that took the life of Jack Wilder, one of the so called Horsemen. The whereabouts of the other Horsemen remain unknown at this time."

"God I know he's not dead but I'm about to cry my eyes out if we don't do this video soon," Carly speaks up and starts to rub her arms. Henley finishes setting it up and then presses record. Now they were live for the whole world to view their non-existent grief.

"More than anything in his life, Jack wanted to be the most famous magician who lived," Daniel starts to speak, his voice stable but cracking. "And I can't say he achieve it, but I do hope that wherever he is... it is full of magic. But the point is-"

Daniel's voice gives out on him and he turns his head away to try and compose himself.

"The point of why we are here is to say that we are not- we cannot quit now," Merritt takes over for Daniel.

"We started something bigger than all of us," Carly speaks up. "We have to finish it."

"Remember the name Jack Wilder, when you see us live, 5 Pointz, Queens, seven o'clock," Henley tells them and Merritt turns off the camera.

"That was harder than I thought," Carly lets out a forced laugh, breaking the silence. Daniel grabs her hand and interlocks their fingers.

"We got through it," He speaks up.

"We should get out of here," Henley says. "I'll edit the video and post it on the way.


They all did what they needed with getting the safe. Merritt hypnotized the guards to think they were cleaning people. Daniel was able to get the mirror down along with Henley and Carly stuffed the fake safe full of balloon animals. They leave the scene before the FBI could show up and now they new it was all up to Jack to get the money and Bradley's car.

"Video's uploaded," Henley says and closes her laptop. They all stare at one another as they sit in the van.

"Great, now we just need to finish this," Carly states. 

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