Chapter 16 - Anger issues

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Chris was on a rampage right now, shouting at her parents about all this shit happening with them, I decided now that I needed to intervene, I slowly walked towards the kitchen only to dodge a cup was thrown

"Chris!" I snapped making her head snap towards me, her breathing quite and sharp, she didn't say anything she just stared at me, I frowned slightly when I noticed the knife in her hand before i saw the state of the kitchen "calm down baby" I said softly, as I inched towards her then I grabbed her hands and loosened her grip on the knife, she released a cry before throwing her arms around me "look what you've done to your hand" I whispered, grabbing hold of her blooded hand "don't cry baby" I whispered before pressing her head against my chest

"We just wanted to talk" her mother began but I just raised my hand and nodded, showing her I understood "come on let's get you cleaned up" I whispered kissing Chris's forehead, she nodded and we went upstairs, I slowly undressed her and turned the shower on, she cuddled me as I waited for the water to heat up. When it was finally heated up I moved out of the way for her to get in "I can't believe this" she whispered as the shower began pouring down on her "I know baby, it'll be OK" I stroked her hair before sighing "I'm going to get you fresh clothes" I kissed her hand and walked away only to have her hand latch onto mine stopping me from moving. "Stay with me --- please" she cried. I quickly joined her not bothering to take off my clothes, I stroked her hair when she turned and hugged me "what should I do?" She whispered, "talk to them" I smiled, she gave me a look that made me laugh and finally she cracked a smile with a giggle "OK, I'll talk to them, I'lol do it" she whispered.

We lay on the bed naked, not naked like after sex, just naked, she was scared to talk to them without getting angry and I understood, I really did but when my mother showed up out of the blue, I didn't roar or shout, I listened to her, she had a reason and I know that her parents must have a reason for not double checking that their daughter was dead

I drew circles on her back as she rested, if I think about it there's a good side to the bad that's happened to her, if she never left LA, if her parents never died, we would have never met, we wouldn't have got married. Maybe we would have met some other way but we met each other right when we both needed it.

She moved slightly knocking me out of my thoughts, I stroked her hair and leaned down to kiss her forehead "a penny for your thoughts?" She smiled "just thinking about us, about the timing of us meeting couldn't have been better" I whispered, she smiled slightly and nodded "I was thinking the same" she leaned on her elbow and looked into my eyes

"Shall we go downstairs? I'm starving" she smiled at me and nodded "OK that's what I like to hear" I chuckled before lifting her into my arms "Andy, we are still naked" she reminded me, I closed my eyes and sighed before placing her back on the bed "right my lady, shall I put on thou's slipper?" I asked "no brave knight, I am capable of putting on thy own slipper" she smiled grabbing the slipper I was holding "whatever you wish fair Median" I smiled, before pulling on my clothes as she down the same, finally we where done.

"Andy I think I may have anger issues" she said out of nowhere before I noticed her looking at her hand "that's possible, and if you do then we could be the anger couple" I plopped down beside her and kissed her hand as she laughed at what I just said "we are each others psychotherapist's, we help each other get through our anger, that's another thing that makes us the perfect pair".

We finally decided to go downstairs when we smelt the food. Chris's hand tightened on mine before she rolled her head and carried on walking.

It was eerily quite at the dinner table, the only noise was the sound of everyone eating, Zack rubbed his head and looked at Jamie who was stuffing her face before leaning over and whispering to her before she laughed "so Jamie you're Andy's twin sister?" Chris's mother piped up making everyone stare in her direction, she slowly look up and chewed her food quickly "yeah she is" I answered for her just as she swallowed the last of her food "oh isn't that wonderful" Chris's mother said, Chris stared at her for a moment with pure anger before looking down at her food before stuffing some of it in her mouth "so tell me Mom what have you been doing since you where told your daughter died?" Chris questioned with a hiss in her tone and a clenched jaw, her mother looked down and played with her food "oh did you go on a cruise like you've always wanted or did you guys have a adult get together and drink your wines?!" She snapped, I grabbed her arm and gave her a look "we seen your body Christina!" Her father shouted before covering his mouth "it haunted my dreams ever since" he said this very quietly with a great deal of difficulty "then we are told you where alive the whole time, all those nights of crying myself to sleep when I slept at all, the nightmares, everyday starting and ending with the want to kill myself, where for nothing" her mother whispered before covering her eyes with her trembling hand "so they killed a girl that looked just like me, just so you'd believe I was dead? And at the same time killed another two people, and told me that you two died? Why would anyone go through that much trouble?" Chris questioned a little less snappy this time "for the money Christina, it was all for the money, our money" her father said without a second thought. I looked at Chris and something seemed to click in her, like she was remembering something, "Mr Blakely, everyone connected to him, where in it for the money. Hurting me was just for their sadistic pleasure" she whispered, I bit my bottom lip and my head snapped around to look at her mother who was now crying loudly "I can't even begin to imagine what they done to you Christina" she cried her hands shaking more violently as she grabbed a tissue which was tucked in the sleeve of her jumper, she held it over her eyes and continued to cry into it "no, you couldn't" Chris agreed playing with the scar under her collarbone.

The Naughty roommates return (Book 2) 🏅My Favourite🥇Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora