The Sound

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I just can't stop thinking about what happened,

my mind keeps going back and forth to that particular event.

Adrenaline hit the crowd as they recognised the sound,

only this time it was not a balloon

but a sound that was bound to change the lives of many.

Sirens ringing out in the dead of the night,

heard from afar and the lights would soon be seen.

But for now all they can hear is the sound of sirens,

indicating that help is on the way.

Their eyes are searching out the place,

they catch a glimpse of the victim,

blood incarnadining her body.

The victim was none other than a young lady whose intentions were pure.

She only wanted to live up to her expectations,

to live her dream and follow her heart.

She died doing what she loved doing best.

But I know that this isn't over,

I know that we will follow her steps

to be the person that she was.

I try my best not to lament over the casualty but the feeling is inexplicably overwhelming.

Let us be spirited just like she would have wanted us to be,

she wouldn't want to see us like this, all blue and crestfallen.

She is still here with us, maybe not physically but in our hearts.

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