Perfect Sketch

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(Little heads up: I'm gonna be posting all my OC's and their Bio's with one more new OC, prepared, I guess?)

Name: Perfect Sketch [Known as 'Sketch' or 'Sketchy']

Family: Pearl Art (Mother), Fire Gold (father)

Personality: Sisterly, demanding, bossy, silly and caring. She loves her friends and family but, can get really annoyed really easily. While she would do anything for anyone, she knows where to draw the line. Even with all of that, she rather prefers staying in her room and drawing rather than hanging out and going outside, but she will always be there when needed. She absolutely loves art and has a great passion for it.

Cutiemark: a pencil and a paint brush with neon blue paint.

Residence: Fillydelphia (born and raised), Canterlot (current residence)
Job: Does commissions for ponies and sometimes works as an illustrator for art magazines and popular comics. She also has two of her art pieces featured in the Canterlot Gallery.

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