Chapter 1

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Regina's P.O.V
I woke up this morning in a blur. The last thing I remembered was a fourth curse rolling in. robin, Zelena, Snow, Charming, Rumple, Belle and I were outside of a large building. Robin rushed over to make sure I'm all right. He helps me up and I walk over to Zelena.
"Regina, Robin where are we?" Zelena asked.
"I'm not sure. But you look like a teenager," I replied
"I could say the same to you two," she said.
"ROBIN! Why didn't you tell me I looked like a teenager!?" I said scoldingly
"You didn't tell me either," he replied
"Fair enough."
"What did the fourth curse do to us?" Snow asked coming over to us
"I don't know Snow," I replied .
"I'm not entirely sure what I did," Zelena said, "all I know is that I had to give up my baby girl to keep us from being under the evil queen's curse. And I guess some of us, Snow and Rumple are going to need normal names since we are not in Storybrooke and we are freaking teenagers.
"What about me?" Charming said
"Your actual name is David," I said to Charming.
"David, Zelena, Regina, Robin and I can technically keep our names," Belle said.
"I'll take Mary Margret like I did in Storybrooke," Snow said
"I guess I'll go for Roldan," Rumple said.
"Why not Neil?" I asked.
"It reminds me too much of my son, the one Zelena killed," he said, "and Roldan is closer to Rumple."
"Well the other one is unborn soooooo," Belle said
"Wait if we are teenagers and we are in front of a large building that means..." I was cut off by snow
"Snow! Shut up someone will notice us," I scolded my step daughter.
"Sorry Regina," Snow said.
"Hi there," a young boy said.
"Hello," I said holding onto Robin's hand.
"What are your names?" He asked.
"I'm Regina," I said
"My name is Robin," Robin said putting his arm around my shoulder.
"Mary Margret," Snow said trying her best to act like a teenager rather than her usual motherly self.
"Sup, I'm David," David said also trying to act cool.
"Roldan, pleasure to meet you," Rumple said trying to put his arm around Belle as she slowly inched away from him
"And I'm Belle," Belle said still inching away from Rumple...I mean Roldan.
"Rumple! I-I mean Roldan, leave Belle alone." I scolded.
"I'm still mad at you," Belle said. I could see the boy's eyes drift down to Belles stomach and mouth "oh" to himself
"So what's your name?" Zelena asked, "oh and by the way I'm Zelena, Regina's sister"
"I'm Alex," The boy said, "You guys must be new." As if it weren't obvious, "do you wanna hang with my crew?" A group of students walked up. Three girls and three other boys besides Alex.
"Hey. I'm Regina, this is Robin, Zelena, Roldan, Belle, Mary Margret and David," I said pointing to each.
"This is Anna, Drew, Cora, Maddie, Mac, and Kole," Alex said also pointing to each of his friends just as I did.
"I think we are going to be best of friends us girls!" The girl he pointed to named Maddie.
"I think you and Sno-I mean Mary Margret will be great friends especially," I said pointing to Snow
"I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult," She said
"Compliment," said turning my head in her direction.
"Lol!" The girl named Anna said.
"Um...what does that mean?" Rumple asked awkwardly
"It means Laugh out loud," I said, "something you would know if we lived here when Neil was a teenager," I whispered the last part cause we do look like teenagers.
"Oh!" The last girl, Cora said realizing Belle was pregnant, "do you know when your due?" She asked
"Oh um not really," Belle replied.
"Wait why aren't Emma, Henry, Neal, Robyn, Rolland or Killian here?" Charming asked suddenly.
"We sent them to New York remember," I said "We didn't want The children to stay in Storybrooke with Hyde and my so called better half roaming around so we sent them with Emma and Killian," I said.
"But the CaptainCharming bromance!!" Snow cried out.
"Mary Margret why are you so obsessed with bromances and ships?" Belle asked.
"Because Outlaw Queen is beautiful!" She said.
"I personally like Captainswan," I said, "That comes before Outlaw Queen because Outlaw Queen is Robin and I."
"Captinfloor is my otp," Charming said.
"I'm really confused," Kole said
"Oh sorry we're talking about the ships and bromances in our group," I said.
"What about Rumbelle?" Rumple said.
"Maybe we can happen again but right now I don't trust you," Belle said turning her back to rumple."
"Good to know you guys ship each other. But the first period is gonna start in 20 minutes so we better get you guys registered for classes," Alex said, "we can see if the girls can have classes together and I guess we can keep Roldan and Belle apart since you don't seem to get along."
"We get along just fine," Rumple said
"Oh shut your mouth, Rumple!" Belle said, "we do not get along I dot care if you got that stupid contract is torn up or if it didn't exists anymore cause Hades is dead I do not want to have any classes with you and I swear if I see you looking for me which I know you will and I'm sure you will know where I am I will punch you in the face!"
"Calm down Belle. You don't need to turn into me," I said pulling Belle into a hug.
"hashtag beautyqueen!" Snow said
"Is that a ship or a bromance?" I asked
"Bromance," Snow replied
"Good," I said as I pulled away from Belle.
We all walked into the main office and registered for classes. We girls got a few classes together and Belle somehow got two homework labs in the school library. I was able to get three of my classes with Zelena and I have a homework lab with Belle and math with Snow. I have all of my classes with Cora great.
I walked to first period Social Studies with Belle, Zelena, Robin, and Cora. This is going to be weird for me since I am a mayor of a town that technically does not exist according to the government despite the fact that we abide by American laws. I took a seat next to Cora who looked at me reassuringly.
"Your gonna love the teacher." She said
"Do you wanna know something about me? I asked.
"Um sure," she replied
"My mom's name was Cora. And to be completely honest I hated her with a burning passion until recently. I thought she wanted me to be just like her and I vowed never to be like her. Turns out when you try not to be someone you don't want to be you still end up being that person. When I was younger I got hurt very badly they only way to help me was to have a blood-related sibling. That's how I first met Zelena. My mom had given her up because she only cared about herself and with Zelena, she didn't get what she wanted which was to be rich. She later married my father and had me. Anyway, after Zelena had helped me my mother sent Zelena back to her abusive adoptive father and Zelena forgot about me and I forgot about her. She found out about me and grew jealous of my privileges only a few weeks ago did we learn we had met when we were younger and ever since we've been really close. All of this was written in a letter my mother had left us before she died-" I was cut off by the teacher walking in and telling us to quiet down.
Cora leaned in and said "I'm sorry for your loss Regina"
I leaned over and whispered back "Thanks."
The class had officially started and I have completed my assignment so quickly it should be obvious I'm not actually a teenager. I was the first to hand in my paper in Social Studies and I finished the packet we have for homework all in the one class period. Next was math, then science, then homework lab with Belle who was reading a book the entire time, after that was English, then lunch, and then Language arts, art, gym and my final class was Culinary in which I did amazingly cause we made apple turnover cakes, my specialty.

We weren't quite sure where we would stay that night so we looked for an apartment building where we could rent 3 apartments. Rumple would get his own and Belle would stay with Snow and charming and Zelena would stay with Robin and I. Zelena was disappointed that she didn't have her daughter with her and so is Robin I mean baby Robyn is his daughter too. She is such a precious baby, but Zelena had to give up robin to make the curse go to her command wich for some reason turned us into high school students.

Around six o'clock pm we found an apartment building that didn't judge us for our age. Rumple was our negotiator when it came to fixing a price for three apartments, which was a good thing. I could tell he was doing it for Belle the way he volunteered and we didn't ask him and he didn't say he would only do it if Belle stayed with him instead of the Charmings.

Robin and I set up our bed in one room and Zelena set up in another. I didn't sleep well because I could hear Zelena crying herself to sleep every time she woke up thinking about her precious daughter and I considered going into her room to comfort her but I didn't want to disturb Robin who was sleeping like a rock. I fell asleep around two am after Zelena hadnt woken up for about an hour and it was silent.

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