The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

He slowly placed his hand on my mine and stroked it gently, although it felt like sandpaper.

     “I guess we’d better tuck in before it gets cold.” I said moving my hand from his.

     “Yes of course.” He said looking down at where our hands were.

I grabbed a couple of slices of toast and buttered them slowly. I knew I had to tell Tyler the house was pretty much empty. I’m sure whatever Tyler had planned this would make it a little easier. All I’d have to do now was get Wyatt out the house, hopefully that won’t be too difficult. I took a bite out of my toast, it tasted so good. Before I could stop myself I was grabbed rashers of bacon, scrambled eggs, pancakes, sausages and omelettes. I could feel my wolf’s hunger inside me, the next thing I knew I was shovelling the food in my mouth with my hands. I could feel my wolf taking over slightly; she wasn’t going to stop until she was full. The sound of chuckling distracted me.

     “Anyone would think you had already shifted the way you’re eating.” He laughed. “It won’t be long my love; soon you will grow to your true potential.” He said smiling at me.

The look in his eyes made me feel uneasy; I wanted to get away from him. But I knew I couldn’t go anywhere until Tyler had freed Luca.


(Tyler’s POV)

        My body seemed to be frozen, my eyes still staring down into Lucia. She too had not moved. Everything around us just seemed to slow down to a standstill. Suddenly form nowhere, what felt like an electric shock, shot from my hands. I quickly jumped off her, watching her as she too seemed to be affected.

     “What was that?” she asked.

     “I have no idea I have never felt anything like that before.” I said. “We had better get back the sooner we get Luca out the better.” I continued as I headed for the trees.

It seemed that whatever was happening back there was stopped abruptly. Instead of me not being able to look away from, now I could barely will myself to.

    “What do you have in mind; I know you want the use of my powers but why and how?” I heard asked from behind me.

     “I need you to distract the guards from the basement so I can unchain Luca. I need you to lure him away from his post. It doesn’t have to be for long, just long enough for me to get in there and get him out without anyone else noticing.” I answered turning around to face her.

     “What about Wyatt, surely he’s going to notice and Luca’s scent? As soon as you get him out of there his scents going to be around the house. I don’t think you’ve though this through very well.” She replied crossing her arms over her chest.  

     “You really take me for an idiot don’t, I have it all figure out.” I replied.

     “Yes I do. So Einstein, how do you plan to outsmart him then?” she asked, looking less then convinced that I was able of pulling this off.

     “Will for one he’s going to be weak, he was severely injured and he hasn’t been feed for days. Therefore his scent is going to be weak. To mask his weak scent I plan to cover it with my own. I’m going to take him down a set of my clothes. See sorted.” I replied smiling smugly.

     “Impressive.” She said. “But your plan has one flaw, if Wyatt sends someone down there, or even goes down there himself he’ll pick up your scent. He’ll know it was you to help Luca escape.” She continued looking equally pleased with herself.

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