After standing in front of her closer for 5 minutes straight she finally opted for a pair of ripped jeans and a white long sleeve shirt that said 'love your queen' in golden cursive letters. Her pair of white converse to finish the look. Once she had decided on what to wear she headed straight to the bathroom, a shower on mind.

Discarding her pajamas, and neatly placing them on the floor next to the white rug in front of the shower, she stepped in the shower. Setting the water temperature at what she thought to be the perfect, she sighed as the warm water droplets splashed on her bare skin, relaxing all her sore muscles. After standing there for a few moments, just relishing in the peace and quiet her shower offered before grabbing her apple scented shampoo and squishing some into her hand, placing it on her now wet hair and starting to softly rub it around. Once she had washed it off she grabbed her vanilla scented body wash and did the same.

Once Regina was done she stepped out of the shower and wrapped a white towel around her body. After she had finished drying herself off she softly padded around the bathroom, the cool white floor tiles making goosebumps raise on her legs as it was a great contrast in temperature. Standing in front of the mirror she started combing the tangles out of her hair, which now reached all the way down to her lower back, it was quite long, but she loved it either way. Once done with her hair she got dressed.

Regina got out of the restroom and headed straight to her room. Once inside she used the hair drier to dry her hair, and opted for a simple french braid. Making her way towards her vanity where she kept her make up, she took a sit where  then she applied a small layer of makeup and some mascara as a final touch. Smiling at her own reflection content with her appearance.

"Regina you're going to be late if you don't hurry." Henry's voice came from downstairs shaking Regina from her trance.


Regina thought as she turned to look at her clock, 7:10, it read. She had to leave at 7:20 at the latest if she didn't want to be late for school not her dad to his new job.

He was a journalist, that being the main reason for their sudden move to New York. His brother arguing that Henry would get paid better if they both worked together at his Company which was partially true.

"I'm going." Regina announced as she went to the other side of her room and grabbed her backpack.

"There she is." Said Cora as she heard the pity patter of Regina's footsteps as she made her way down the stairs.

"Sorry." Regina apologized as she took a sit on one of the counter bar stools.

"There you go." Said Cora as she placed a plate in front of Regina, which contained a fairly medium sized stack of pancakes along with 3 pieces of bacon.

"Thanks." Regina said, Cora simply hummed in acknowledgement.

Looking up at the clock the microwave clock Regina gasped, "okay let's go, or we're going to be late." She said getting up from her stool and practically pulling her dad out of the kitchen.

"Hold on." Said Cora approaching them. "Where's my hug?" She questioned putting her hands on her wait making Regina groan in exasperation.

"Mom," Regina whined. "We're going to be late, my school is 15 minutes away from here and it's already 7:20. And dad still has to get to his new job on time."

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