the beginning

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The sky was completely black, except for one or two stars winking down at me. I leaned back on the bench and gazed dreamily up at the dazzling moon. The moon supposedly made you mad; a part of me willed it to make me mad, then maybe I would be noticed.
Why, you may ask, was I sitting on a bench in the middle of the night? Well that is a very good question and isn't easy to answer, but I will try my best.

I live in a small village, in a small house, with my mother, I can't say that my life was exactly normal, but it was as normal as it could be. I had always felt different. I don't know why or how, I had just always felt unusual, like I should be doing other things with my life.
I know what you're thinking, how has this got anything to do with me sitting on a bench in the middle of the night? I'm just coming to that. This had always been my special spot away from the big bad world, somewhere I can just sit and think. You may think this sounds a bit cliche, well I guess your right, but there's more.

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