Chapter 4: Change The Record

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So it's been a minute...authors note coming soon to explain. Thank you so much to those who waited! Love you!

"You've got to be kidding me." Here I am, once again, the damsel in distress. The wooden bars my hands were tied to scraped my wrists till they were raw, making me cringe in pain. My surroundings were plain. Simple. Four shredded walls and the chair I was in was the only furniture that decorated the room.

"I'm done playing hide and seek!" The roof absorbed my sound.

"Stop being a coward and kill-"

"You see sweetheart...your one of my favorite toys and hide and seek just happens to be my favorite game."

"You lie, Niklaus. We all know who's your favorite. And your definitely not hers." He smiled his charming smile as he turned to face me. Menacingly, he laughed a very full laugh that made the hairs on my neck stand on end.

"You see that's where your wrong! Caroline might think I'm some sort of demon am that she would never love someone like me but the stars say something different-"

"What do you know about the stars."

"A lot more than you do, love. A lot more." Turning his back on me once again, he paced around the room some more. The ties on my wrists did not seem like they would become loose any time soon.

"You see...Caroline is in the other room and if you make one wrong move, she's mine."

As if the tears that were pricking my eyes before wasn't enough, they began to roll over." What. Do. You. Want."

"I want you to listen to me and not your self for once!" Before I could process what was happening, he appeared before me kneeling.

"Don't you dare, open the tomb."


"I need you alive and well and if you open that tomb kidnap you myself." With that he was gone. Just like old times. Two small keys replacing his carbon form.


After opening my own door, I raced down a white hallway to a door on the other end. I jammed the key into the door and opened it but all I found was a dead dove.

"No." This couldn't mean...could it? "Care!"

There were no other doors. The adrenaline pumping through my head began to make me shake. Think. Think...hide and seek.

Looking above me I saw a silver ring attached to a white string. Pulling the lever, it revealed steps that reached into the attic. When I reached the top, not only did I find a girl but also... a guy?

"Care?" Her blonde head whipped in my direction still tied to a chair.

"Elena! Thank God!"I ran to her and began to release the tension of the ropes that had began to chaff her wrists. Turning my head to face Care, I turned to the boy next to me.

"Matt? What the hell what are you doing here?"

His eyebrows scrunched."I honestly don't know." After careful inspection, I came to realize that a worm of blood had stained the edge of his mouth.

"Oh my goodness, what happened?"

"He threw me around quite a bit so I probably cut my chin."

"I'm so sorry." Taking the edge of my sleeve I began to wipe the substance off, careful not to sweep too hard on wherever the cut might have been. But after cleaning the entire area; there was no cut.

"Matt you didn't cut yourself. Can you remember anything?" Care was staring at his concentration and slowly his focus turned to fear.

" I said I was thirsty. He said he was already going give me something to drink while Care was still knocked out. I was so dizzy I didn't realize that the 'water' I drank was to thick and metallic to be water. Then he knocked me out cold." No. I'm just being paranoid I'm sure of it.

"You don't think." Care began."You don't think he-"

"No he can't be." He stared at the ground, his eyes not meeting mine. I went closer towards him...

"Can you hear something unusual." His breath quickened and I began to panic not for me, but for him.

"Your," Please don't say it. "Your's...hypnotizing." He was drowning in my scent, I could tell.

Before he could do anything, Care slammed him to the ground, pinning both his arms and legs.

"Don't think about doing anything, Matt!" He struggled under her grasp, growling every time he came close to getting out." How could he do this?" Care looked at me, almost breaking out of her tough face. She was hurting.

"Let him go."

"Elena, now is not the time to be stupid!"

"Caroline I know what I'm doing! Let him go!" Resentfully she let him go, letting go of a sob I didn't know she was holding.

He was in front of me now.

There was now two people who could hear my heart.

"Do it."

"No. Elena stop. I-I can't."

"I want you to..." He looked up, almost in tears, but almost taken over by the veins covering the bags under his eyes. Contemplating. Something I'm so used to.

"Do it-"

And he did. I can tell you this, it burned like hell.


Honestly, I've grown to really cringe at my writing at the beginning of this book and ELIK. The writing here isn't going to be the same. I love the support you've given me but I'm working on my technique and if you like cheesy written books then this is probably isn't for you because I really want to try and avoid that. Thank you so much! Ugh I love you guys so much. <3


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