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"I've been looking everywhere for you," Chloe says as she runs up to my car. I was just sitting in the front seat after my encounter with Braxton.

"Some stuff came up," is all I say before looking back at my phone.

"Like sucking face with the biggest douche in the school," she leans against my car while saying this.

"It wasn't like that. He was the one who did it in the first place, I would never kiss that scum bag." I tell her while getting out of the stupid car. "I don't kiss random strangers like Tiffany,"

"True. Are you ready to get out of here or what?" Her attitude did an 180 turn.

Alright then.

"I guess," I say before I get out of my car. She drags me behind the school and past the football field. In a way, this school is a little cliche. All the bad people and stoners stay behind the football stadium during their lunch period or when they ditch some period that they don't want to have.

"Don't bring just anyone and anybody to this place. We don't want to have teachers come here and ruin it. I mean sure they know about it, but they never ever come out here." She tells me while dragging me even further past the school.

"Why do you hang out here? You don't seem like this," I ask her.

"My ex-boyfriend dragged me into this scene and I found him cheating on me with the head slut of Slutingham?" (A\N It's like Birmingham, but with slut instead)

"I'm presuming that your talking about Tiffany," she's the biggest slut in the school.

"Aye look who's catching on now," she pulls me into a side hug of some sorts. What a weirdo.

~ ~ ~ ~

Thirty minutes later, we finally left the stonertown. I guess you could say that it wasn't my cup of tea. I have never been high and I never plan to be in the future.

"Why did you run earlier?" A voice behind me asks.

"Because I can, Braxton," I tell him as I shove around some sort of math book in my locker.

"That's not even an answer," he says as he slowly starts walking towards me.

"It is in my dictionary," I finally pick up the stupid book and slam my locker shut.

"I know you liked the kiss or you wouldn't have kissed me back," well paint me purple and stick me out in the front yard.

"It doesn't matter, so leave me alone and go talk to you pregnant girlfriend," I know that this will irritate him. He huffs and stomps away. Not even twenty seconds later, another person graces me with there presence. A strong perfume literally slapped me in the face. It's not some perfume that you get from Sephora, it was the cheap dollar stuff from the discount store and it smelled like ass.

"You should really buy a different perfume if you want to get into half the boy's pants in this school," I tell Tiffany.

"At least I smell better than that cow pasture you call your ass," damn she is extra salty today.

"What is the pregnancy not doing it for you?" I know that this will make her fume.

"At least I'm not ugly like you," she tells me.

"Damn, I was trying to look like you today," it's really fun to get the hoe riled up.

"You know what? I'm tired of all this shit that has been happening to me because of you. The whole school knows that I am pregnant because of you. Your a bitch and everybody knows that. It's no wonder that nobody likes you. I'm surprised that your family even kept you when you were born," she is a couple of seconds from blowing up.

"Sorry honey, but you've obviously mistaken me for someone that gives a damn," this should set her off. In the matter of seconds she punched me in the stomach.

"You are so lucky that you are pregnant or I would have beaten your ass for that," I tell her in a deadly voice.

"The thing is that I had an abortion. I can't have a reputation like you and a little devil to go along with it," she tells me before she starts to turn away.

"You little bitch," I say loudly and literally jump on her. She killed a defenseless little human that hasn't even had the chance to live properly.

After the third or fourth punch, someone wraps there arms around my shoulders and attempt to take me off of her. I surely wasn't going to let go without a fight. They finally get me off the skank and I start to crawl over to her, but somebody literally sat on me to keep me down.

"Stop fighting with the pregnant chick," I know that this voice belongs to Braxton.

"She isn't pregnant, she had an abortion because she couldn't deal with the fact that people would look at her differently," I tell him as he slowly gets off of me.

"That bitch broke my nose," I hear a shrill say. I'm guessing that Tiffany's minions came or the principle was called.

"Autumn and Tiffany, my office. NOW," this was the principle.

~ ~ ~ ~

"I am entirely fed up with all the stuff that has been going on in this school, so I am going to start with you two. Autumn I know that your new here, but that doesn't make it okay to fight with the other students," he tells us.

"Sir, I haven't been in a fight for a long time. I don't walk around here and fight with just anybody, she compelled me to do it. All she has been saying that Braxton was his and rubbing random crap into my face. For all I care, she can have Braxton and I would be okay with it." I say to him trying to get out of this situation.

"You're tell me that all this was because of a boy," he is now sitting at the edge of his seat.

"Braxton has taken a liking to me and I could care less about it, but she kept on provoking me about how he was hers and I snapped," I tell him once again.

"Both of you will have detention for a weeks. Now get out of my office." Good thing I don't have to do something like be friends with her. God, that would be terrible.


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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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