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You know when you get really bad news and you just want to throw a baby at a wall or steal a kids lollipop. Well, I just received that news and apparently our neighbors are coming over. My neighbor's wanted to invite me over to their house since I was new to the neighborhood. The Moore's live right next to me on the left. Most people by the age of 30 have an actual house not a condo, but these people were almost forty and live right next to me. I guess that it couldn't really be a bad thing as I'm making it out to be, but I mean it's just something that I have to waste my time on.

After actually trying to make sure that all my tattoos were covered and my face wasn't a piece of cake, I head over to the Moore's apartment. Just as I'm about to knock on the door, it opens synonymous. To my surprise it's Braxton.

"Ah... Look who has finally come," He jokes as he just stands in the doorway.

"You never told me you live right next to me," I grit out as I try to walk into the apartment.

"Well, we only have known each other for two days or something like that. How was I supposed to tell you if you stormed off the first chance I had gotten?" He asks.

"I don't know. Maybe you could have texted me because you seem to like-" I am cut off by the woman that gave birth to this mortal.

"Braxton let the woman in," she says before turning around and walking to some part of the apartment.

~ ~ ~ ~

Braxton this... Braxton that... Braxton... Braxton... Braxton is what I have heard about over the past hour. Honestly, he can go suck it because I really don't give a crap about him. It just sounds like he is self- conceited and he has some huge ego that nobody wants to wound... Well, let's just say Braxton, you might want to watch out because you don't know what's coming for you.

"Honey," I am dragged out of my thoughts by his mom again. "Why won't you go show Autumn around the house?"

Ugh really... He might do something that might result in some major pain. "Fine." He motions for me to follow him and I head out of the dining room into the family room.

"So I guess we meet again," the arrogant son of a bitch says to me. Sorry Mrs. Moore.

I shoot him a glare and continue to walk until we reach his room. "So I guess this means that you want me, right?"

Only one thing happened before I could register that I did it. I slapped him.

"Ahh... Shit." Nimrod almost yells. "Okay, I guess I earned that, but damn girl you can slap," I smirk and just sit on his bed while looking around his room. It's not like your average teen's room. Usually, you would have figured that they would have posters of busty and curvy women or possibly cars, but Braxton doesn't. He has no posters or anything of extreme significance in here.

"Whatever," Are you a teenage girl now or something. "Why are you trying to act like a nerd when in reality you are a bad girl?"

"Why do you want to know?" I counter-act his question with my own question.

"Because you're not a nerd. I can see right past it and I can see the real you. You aren't just some person trying to act bad ass, you are the person who is bad ass. Not many people can pull it off, yet you do. The girl that everybody thinks is a nerd," wow that's deep.

"I still don't see why this involves you," I want to know where he stands in this conversation.

"I'm intrigued by you. You're the only person that has ever come to our school and done that to me. It doesn't mean that I like you, but I want to know what makes you different from the other girls," he says as he looks into my eyes.

Just as I'm about to say something back his mother calls to him saying that it's time for me to leave. Good thing too because I really didn't know what was going to come out of my face.

As quickly as he can  walk out of his room, leaving me just standing in the middle looking as if I just lost my favorite stuffed animal. I don't know why I probably look like this, but nobody has every said anything like this before. I mean I've had death threats before but not anything like this. It was different and weird.

"It was great meeting you, Autumn." Mrs. Moore tells me as we are in the hallway. "I hope my son wasn't too much to handle tonight."

"I wouldn't expect much more out of him." I tell her.

"You've met before?" she asks me.

"A couple of nights after I moved in, I went down to the diner and met him there," I decide to leave out the flirting her son did just to spare her.

"Well then you must be the girl he was talking about," she nods to herself. "He talked about how he met this beautiful at the diner and well I guess it's you."

I merely blush at the thought that someone dares call me beautiful even more, so Braxton of all people. "I'm going to leave before this gets any more embarrassing. For all, I know you might tell me that Braxton still wets the bed." I mean that's kind of a major turn off, but nobody said that I was attracted to him. I quickly turn and head to my place.

Guess I should do the homework since my future depends on it, said every teacher ever. I hate hoemwork with a passion and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.

- - - -

After taking a shower and picking out my usual clothes that I would be wearing tomorrow, I jump into my bed thinking that I would just fall asleep, but that obviously never happens when you have something one your mind.

As I tried to drift to sleep that night all I could think about is what he really meant when he said, "I'm intrigued by you." I mean who just leaves with a cliff-hanger like that. It's almost as if you were finishing a really good chapter in a book and the author just leaves the most dreadful cliff-hanger. God, I hate when that happens.

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