2: Roxy

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The brownies tasted amazing. They had gooey centers and crisp edges.

"Mmm," I sighed happily. "These are... awesome."

Austin laughed. "Glad you like 'em, Mom's gonna be so happy."

My phone rang and I jumped, brownie flying in the air and landing with a smack on our counters. 

"Oh f-" Austin cut me off. 

"Don't. Swear." His lopsided grin gave way to a cold expression and I found myself to be slightly intimidated. 

"Um, okay, I'll just say frazzle." He nodded in approval and I picked up my phone.

John: Hey Babe running late so be there in 10

I smiled and texted him back quickly.

Me: Its k hon see u sooooon♡

I looked up from my phone, grinning like an idiot, to see Austin staring at me.

"What?" I ask defensively, holding my phone to my chest.

"Nothing, nothing. It's just that... You don't look like a Mary." His brown eyes were clouded over in thought and I mentally shivered.

"Then what do I look like? Enlighten me oh wise one!"I exclaim dramatically. 

Austin rolled his eyes, but smiled. "I think I'll call you Roxy, because you're sarcastic, annoying, and adorable. Plus, you look like a Roxy."

I blushed and gave him a small smile. 

"Welp, I better be goin'."He gets up from the stool and walks over to me, making a motion for me to stand up. His big arms circle around me and I let out a 'squeak' of surprise. After the initial shock, I wrapped my own arms around him. Austin smelled better than most teenage boys I had met. He smelled like fresh rain and fabric softener.

We pulled away and exchanged smiles. "I don't know if you could tell, but I really like hugs."

When Mary met AustinWhere stories live. Discover now