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Mary met John just before the start of 7th grade and they were instant friends.

Just before the high school Mary and John got together, and they, my friend, were the happiest people you could ever meet.

But then Mary met Austin, and everything changed.


I sat lazily on my couch, flipping mindlessly through the channels while scrolling through Pinterest.

I heard a knock on the door and sat up. The floor creaked under my feet as I stepped quickly over to the doorway.

I hoped so very but that it was John, smiling and holding a bouquet of flowers, his brown hair ruffled slightly.

But instead I found a blond boy with an awkward, lopsided grin, holding a container filled with delicious looking brownies.

"Hey, want some brownies?" The blond boy said, gesturing towards them.

"Uh, who are you?" I asked, cocking my eyebrow. He cocked his back and smirked.

"You're new neighbor."

"Hmm, last time I checked, I hadn't ordered a new one. The old one was perfectly fine," I sassed, leaning on the doorframe.

"Do you want brownies or not!?" He replied in mock anger.

"Yes please!" He handed them to me and just stood there, staring at me and smiling. I then realized I was wearing an old Star Wars shirt and a pair of fabric shorts.

A blush rose to my cheeks. "Well."

"Well?" I countered.

"Are you going to invite me in or not?"
I gave him a once over and then "thought" about it.

"Sure." His grin was back and he stepped happily into my house.

"What's your name, favorite color, and favorite movie?" The boy said quickly.

"Excuse me?"

"Well if we're going to friends I need to know those things." He rolled his eyes as if it was obvious.

I smiled in spite of myself. (A cute boy wants to be my friend). (No u have a boyfriend, Mary, get it together).

"Name is Mary, favorite color is daffodil yellow, and I love Fantastic Mr. Fox," I said.

He nodded as if reviewing my answers in his head and then said his own. "Name's Austin Howell, favorite color is turquoise and I love the Incredibles."

I smiled at him and he smiled in return.

"Now eat the brownies, woman!" 

When Mary met AustinWhere stories live. Discover now