The fated meeting

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[....... Wow you died on the first level dude congratulations and right at the end how do you feel]  said night

As I lays on the street speechless as I ponder the question “Why do I have to listen to you while I die" the only thing I could do was lay on in the garbage around me as I felt the pain of being stabbed in the sides by glass and jumping off a tall building.

[I don't know, but it was overkill how she ... well tried to killed you I mean you were just human, but don't beat yourself up they escaped and you will forever be remembered in their minds and all that other shit] said night

I moaned as I felt the pain turn into numbness “Bullshit I want a Mulligan how was I suppose to know she would turn on us and try to kill them along with me. That not fair she had kick-ass powers and I had nothing, which is some host advantage type of stuff".

[I tried to tell you people will take advantage of you then throw you out like trash but no I'm just paranoid and I read too much into thing if I was in control we wouldn’t be in this mess we would be sipping on wine on the beach with a boatload of hookers]

"No you didn't you told me to help her, and besides where would we have gotten the hookers?" I inquired

[I got the skills to pay the bills trust me it would have happened and plus you failed at helping her you should have tried harder.]

"Whatever" but as I laid on the ground, most people would have just started asking questions like why would god do this to me, why did the world end just for me, what will happen to my family and friends or even will I go to heaven but my question was " why is it taking so long I was stabbed and I jumped off a building I should have died instantaneously!!"

[It’s your bad luck it always is I mean the only time something good happen it’s the end of everything for you like remember the time we went into the girl’s locker room?] Said night

“I remember a certain ass-hole who led me into the girl's locker room when I was sleepy and was trying to go to the boy's locker room and almost got me expelled" I thought

[You loved it]

“No, well it was interesting but that doesn’t give you the right to ........ Wait why should this be my last conversation shouldn't my life flash before my eye or something"

[You didn't have that great of a life] retorted night

“There were some good highlights like the time when ......."

[Drawn a blank old boy}

With the rest of my energy tried to muster up a time of when I was truly happy but it was all in vain I had no memories of any kind were all of my smiles were real it was all just full of fake smiles, hollow laughs, and forced cries due to my morale deficiency, it was like how some people couldn't feel pain, he could not feel real emotion or describe much of anything it wasn't any easier due to night my split personality that developed as a child but over time I learned to fake emotions to at least appear  normal to people around me. What made it worse was the realization that my family meant nothing to me just people who I lived with and had to care about to get things done.

“Was my life really that meaningless?"

[No if you wasn't alive today all of your Friends would have died in the most horrible way possible sort of like you did]

" They weren't my actual friends, I felt nothing for them matter a fact I was jealous of them what they felt was real like how Percy felt when he lost his mother, how Matt felt about that new game that came out, or even how Daron felt after I broke his game. I feel nothing, even when my Nana died I didn't shed a tear"

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