-Chapter Eight-

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Harry found it near impossible to sleep that night, he’d hardly touched his pizza and he felt thoroughly miserable.

He got up then the sun began to rise and walked out of his room, tired and sad and embarrassed, he wanted to get far away for the day and not have to worry about anything. He cooked up a fried breakfast for Niall and ate a bit of bacon as he counted down in his head

“one” He whispered as Nialls door opened and Niall rushed over

“Breakfast?” He asked as Harry handed over a plate of food, Niall grinned and reached out before looking up and freezing.

“What?” Harry asked

“you look like shit” Niall said “and your hair isn’t as curly”

“Don’t remind me” Harry groaned

“Look Harry” Niall said taking his plate of food and sitting down on the counter as Harry began to tidy up the frying pans “Please just listen to what I’m saying”

“okay” Harry said dropping the cloth he was holding and sitting on the counter opposite Niall.

“Please don’t interrupt me, I want you to see where I’m coming from”

“fine” Harry nodded leaning against the wall

“So this is what I see. You and Louis, you have this chemistry” He said, Harry rolled his eyes but stayed silent “I know you can feel it, I know you Harry. You’re scared to admit it and he’s too stubborn to allow himself to be happy and it’s this vicious circle” Niall sighed

“Look Harry, I know you’ve always been so self-conscious, but if you weren’t you’d see that people actually really like you when they meet you, you’re a charmer by nature and if someone says they dislike you I can guarantee they’re lying or jealous of you” Harry opened his mouth to speak but Niall raised his hand

“You’ve never been a confident person, I see the way you look at yourself in the mirror, you look at yourself like you’re disgusted by what you see, and you shouldn’t be Harry because as your best friend I can tell you that you’re a very attractive bloke” He said “Liam would agree, and I know you think your cooking isn’t up to par, you make me sample everything because you’re worried its not good enough but it always is you know why?”

“Because you love anything that’s edible”

“Partly but no, it’s because you’re so much better than you give yourself credit for” he breathed deeply “Louis’ isn’t going to give in, Zayn’s known him his whole life and he’s stubborn and won’t back down from something once it’s in his head,

“So you need to stop making up excuses that you don’t like Louis’ and grow a pair and actually stop this bullshit, you’re only hurting yourself Harry, or did you already forget that you were the one crying yourself to sleep last night. Because I certainly heard you,

“Harry, as you’re friend I’m telling you that you’re too scared to face the truth and you need to have a long think about what’s really going on with Louis and then stop this madness. Now please shove a sock in my mouth I can’t stop being psychological and it’s scaring me” Niall gasped for breath. Harry who’d been listening while staring at his feet looked up at Niall and bit his lip. He grabbed Nialls fork and shoved a mouthful of bacon and egg in his mouth.

“fanks” Niall sighed through his mouthful.

“I do want this to end” Harry sighed “but I’m not sure it’ll be that easy”

“We’re going to the party tomorrow, we’re going to get a drink in you and we’re going to get you talking and dancing with Louis like you would with me or Liam” Niall said and Harry sighed but nodded.

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