The Mirror

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I look at myself in the mirror,

seeing all the imperfect things.

My hair isn't a right,

and I'm not very bright,

compared to the other girls here.

I look at myself in the mirror,

feeling sick at the skinny jeans I can never wear.

Why must it be me,

the one to ugly to free,

from the anchors that hold a girl here.

I look at myself in the mirror,

hating the black in my hair.

The ends are split,

and everyone's perfect,

everyone but me.

I look in the mirror,

and see all the stupid fear.

The dreams crashed,

the hopes smashed,

yet knowing no better than to give in to the peer pressure.

I look at myself in the mirror,

and tell myself that I'm a mess.

I haven't slept in days,

and I live in a daze,

and the sun keeps rising from the west.

I look at myself in the mirror,

and suddenly I see the facts.

I am the most beautiful girl,

and no one but me,

can set myself truly free.

I walk away from the mirror,

feeling ashamed as can be.

I put myself down,

I fell to the ground,

and God saved me.

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