Chapter 9: Big Surprises

Start from the beginning

"Peeves could do such a thing," Peeves nodded, "For a price, of course."

"What kind of price?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"All ickle Malfoy must do is stand here and chat with ol' Peevesie," Peeves grinned maliciously.

"Why?" I asked, confused.

"Peeves gets tired of talking to his self, but everyone avoids him because of his funny tricks," Peeves chuckled wickedly, "Peeves just wants some company. Just for a mo'."

"Alright, but first give me the wand," I ordered, extending my hand. Peeves threw me the wand with a smirk. "What do you want to talk about?"

Peeves cackled before answering. "Peeves' job is finished. He only wishes to know how it feels to be tricked."


"Yes, tricksies were played," Peeves answered before bellowing, "OI, SNAPE! PEEVES FOUND THE NASTY STUDENT WHO STOLE YOUR POSSESSION!"

"What?" I gasped, "But, I didn- ooooooooooh, Draco!" The little brat had set me up!

Before I could do anything else, Snape was beside me quick as a flash. I was about to say something when I saw his face. He looked livid; his face was growing red and his mouth was contorted into a terrifying scowl. I felt myself back up slightly when he spoke. "So, it was you!" he roared, "How dare you come into my office, open my personal trunk, and steal such an irreplaceable possession!"

"B-but," I stammered, "I wasn't the one who stole it!"

"Then why is it in your hand?" Snape demanded, in a calmer tone that made me more uneasy.

"Because, Draco is trying to frame me," I stated, getting over my initial shock, "He must've taken it from you and given it to Peeves!"

"Do you honestly believe I'd believe that?" Snape growled, "It is no secret that you two don't exactly get along, but how could you possibly think it was smart to try and place the blame on Mister Malfoy for your misdeeds?"

"Because I didn't steal it!" I repeated, my voice growing a bit louder, "Peeves just handed it to me before screaming for you!"

"Peeves only saw Miss Malfoy come out of Professor Snape's office," Peeves interjected, "Took nothing, I did."

"Miss Malfoy, I ought to place you in detention every day for the rest of the year for even thinking about stealing from me!" Snape hissed, "Come. We shall see if the headmaster agrees; you better be thankful I'm even doing this instead of punishing you myself." He waved his wand once, causing the door to his office to close with a slam and lock itself.

"Wait a minute," I said, not moving, "You have a wand with you! Why do you need this one?"

"That is none of your concern," Snape sighed, "Now, do as you are told and come with me! You'll be better off admitting what you've done and taking whatever punishment you are given with dignity."

"I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T STEAL ANYTHING FROM YOU!" I yelled, finally reaching my boiling point.

"Miss Malfoy!" Snape snapped, "That is not a tone you should use when speaking with me. Now, you are in enough trouble as it is, so if you would be so kind as to-"

"No! Listen to me!" I cried, causing Snape to stop talking, "You can yell at me, punish me, do whatever you want; but, you most certainly can't accuse me of stealing something from you without any proof!"

"What proof do I need, Miss Malfoy? I see Eilee- the wand in your hand, no one else has been near my office. It is obvious that you had taken the wand, and do not wish to face the consequences of your actions."

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