Drunk texting (Joshler)

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A/n Comment below ships you want.....

Josh: Hey ty-ty

Tyler: Josh it's 2am why are you up

Josh: I'm sitting outside the stars are pretty like your face

Tyler: Have you been drinking

Josh: maybe I had one or two beers no big deal

Tyler: I'm coming over

Josh: Ok babe

Tyler: don't call me that

Josh: fine hurry before the stars dissapear

When Tyler finally pulled up, he seen Josh immediately. He was laying on his side in a fetal position. Tyler yelled at him. Nothing. Great, Tyler thought. He bent and picked up the sleeping boy and took him inside. He laid him down on the bed. When he pulled the blanket over him, Josh mumbled, please stay. Tyler was up for any chance to cuddle with him, he may have a small crush. He took off his shoes and got under the blanket and Josh pulled Tyler's arm over him. They fell asleep in each others arms.

A/n I will not post tomorrow because of the Orlando shooting I will have two the next day

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