Chapter 3

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*Aaron's pov*

My phone starts to ring frantically

"Guys I need you to all be listening and Reid I need you to focus please! Remember what you can!" I say before picking up

"Aaron?" I hear and I know it's JJ

"Baby how are you?" I ask knowing she will give me hints

"I'm okay I feel abandoned" she says and I write abandoned down knowing that's a clue

"Baby you will be fine I will find you!" I say and try and hold the tears back!

"It's so cold and I can't hear anything" She says and I write that down because I know that it is a clue

"No, no, noooo" I hear JJ scream 

"JJ?" I ask but instead of her answering I hear a dead line

"No he hung up!" I say, tears beginning to spill from my eyes

"Hotch I have found something!" Garcia says and I pick my head up and look to where she is 

"What is it baby girl" Morgan asks 

"Someone had seen a woman two days ago going into your old house" She says looking to Morgan

"Ok" He says but with a tone that says carry on

"But the call came in at 4:43am" She says 

"What is wrong with that?" I ask and she looks with a sad face

"That couldn't have been JJ" She says and a light bulb clicks 

"Haley" I say and Garcia nods, turning her computer around so we see the photo of her

"Omg I am gonna kill her" I say 

"No your not" Rossi says to me

"Thats true" I say and begin to calm down

"We need to find Haley and then use her to find JJ" I say and everyone else nods 

"OK, so lets get to work" Prentiss says, oh if your wondering shes come back to hep with this case because it's so close to us

*In the car, trying to find Haley*

"There she is" I say and Rossi pulls over

"Hands where I can see them" Prentiss says and Haley does as she is told

I see you have found me" She says and I smile 

"Yes we have" I say

"Where is JJ?" Prentiss asks and Haley laughs

"You think I am going to tell you" She says 

"Yes you are" Rossi says and Haley sighs 

"Fine but I want to be released after this" She says, we agree but we know that we cannot becasue she had in put to the case so we cannot just let her go

"She's in an abandoned warehouse, its the south of your old old play ground" She says to me, I dont say anything but grab the keys and leg it to the other car that was waiting that had Spencer, Morgan and Garcia.

Morgan gets out the car to move to the back and I start to drive to where Haley told us to go.

*At the warehouse*

"Okay so we all know what we are doing?" I ask everyone who is ready to go, we have located JJ 

"Yes now lets go in 3.....2......1" Spencer says and we all burst through the door and see Hastings holding a gun to JJ

"Put the gun down" I say and he laughs 

"No sorry not today" He says 

"You said you wouldn't hurt a child! JJ is carrying that child, so if you kill her the baby wont be old enough to survive" I say and he thinks for a moment

"That is very true" He says and I agree with him

"But today I dont care" He says and cocks the gun, I dont even think twice I shoot at him and hes on the ground, everyone rushes to him and I go to JJ

"Baby lets get you to the hospital" I say and she agrees 

*Authors note

Finally I have updated! Sorry it has taken so long! 

We love you guys and Until next time!*

-Rose xo

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